Rammlied (Rammsong)

516 7 2

Whoever waits patiently will be rewarded when the time is right.
Now, the wait is over...
Lend your ears to a legend...


Some lead, some follow. Heart and soul, hand in hand.
Forwards, forwards, don't
Reason gains meaning and
If happiness makes you sad.
If there are no stars in the night.
If you're lonely and alone.
We are here, tune in!


Some lead, some follow.
Evil face, good game.
Devouring and being devoured.
We take little and give a lot.
When you don't know the answer what's right is right.
If you're sad and alone
We are back, tune in!


One way.
One goal.
One motif.


One direction.
One feeling.
Made of flesh and blood.
A collective.

Whoever waits patiently
will be rewarded when the time is right.
Now, the wait is over...
Lend your ears to a legend...


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