Donaukinder (Children of Danube)

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Danube-river is your blood in which the joy and a grief are hidden.
Anything good does not disappear.

In your crude meadows nobody knows what happened here.
Waves is color of rubiginous.
Fishes don't breath and all swans dead.

On the shores, on the fields all animals become sick.
From meadow to river drifted repulsive smell.

Where are the children?
Nobody knows what happened here.
Nobody saw anything.
Where are the children?
Nobody saw anything.

Soon, the mothers stood nearby and wept bitterly.
Onto the fields through the dams.
Sorrow came in every creek. Black flags over town.
All rats are full and satisfied.
Everywhere springs are poisoned and people go away.

Where are the children?
Nobody knows what happened here.
Nobody saw anything.
Where are the children?
Nobody saw anything.

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