Hilf mir (Help me)

212 6 2

I was all alone at home both of my parents were out.
There before me I suddenly saw a little box, nice to look at.
Oh, I said, how pretty and nice that must be a splendid toy.
I strike a match like mother often did.

Every time that I'm alone, I'm pulled to the fire.
Why is the sun round?
Why don't I get healthy?

It reaches for me, I don't resist.
Jumps with claws to my face.
It bites hard, it pains me a lot.
I jump around the room.

Oh no, the flame touches my dress.
My jacket burns, it glows far, my hand burns, my hair burns in fact my whole body is burning.

Every time that I'm alone, I'm pulled to the fire.
Why is the sun round?
Why don't I get healthy - The fire loves me.
Help me.
The fire loves me not – The fire loves me.

I have been totally burned.
Everything is burned completely. From the ashes, all alone I climb up to the sunshine.
The fire loves me
The fire loves me not.

Help me.

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