Stein um Stein (Stone by Stone)

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I have plans, big plans.
I'm going to build you a house.
Every stone will be a tear and you'll never move out again.
Yeah I'm going to build a little house for you with no windows no door It'll be dark inside no light will get in at all.

Yeah I'll make you a home and you are to be a part of it all.

Stone by stone I wall you in.
Stone by stone I'll always be with you.

Without clothes, without shoes.
You watch me working.
With your feet in cement.
You brighten up the foundation.
Outside there will be a garden and no one will hear you scream.

Stone by stone I wall you in.
Stone by stone I'll always be with you.

What a pounding, what a hammering.
Outside it's starting to get dark.

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