Chapter 25

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Bruce picked Harley up and they went to lunch as Ivy said she'd babysit, she never really did mind babysitting she loved babies and she loved Scarlett as her "niece".

Harley and Bruce did have a lot
to talk about. New spread quickly of the couples engagement so Bruce got a private restaurant for the two of them.

They talked about many things. One of them being Harley moving in. They decided they would start moving her in the following morning. Harley told Bruce about Ivy and her girlfriend, and he said they should move in too. And Scarlett would have a babysitter at all times thanks to Alfred. Harley love the idea of living with her fiancé. They planned what they were going to do for the wedding and Bruce secretly was excited to be a father. He didn't care that Scarlett wasn't his biologically but he still loved her. He always wanted to start a family and now he had.

They had finished lunch quickly but decided to take a stroll down to the pier and come back. By the time they got to the end of the pier and back to the car Harley was worn out but happy to be with Bruce. Bruce noticed that Harley was tired and offered just to drive to his place to stay for the night and they start moving the next day. That is what they did.

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