Chapter 34

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Ivy and Bruce had started fighting the crime in the city and Harley was stuck at home. Bruce didn't want her getting hurt and injuring herself or their baby.

As each day passed, Harley grew bigger and more tired. She felt extremely bad because she ended up sitting down most of Scarlett's 4th birthday.

Finally the fateful day had come. Bruce and Harley were going to find out the gender of their baby. They were both genuinely nervous yet happy. Harley stayed up the entire night before because she was worried about finding a heart beat and if anything had gone wrong. This was normal she remembered that when having Scarlett 4 years ago.

That thought made Harley want to go check on Scarlett just to see if she was okay. Harley always had a button on her that would wake anyone up if there happened to be an intruder.

Harley walks into Scarlett's room and sees something in the corner at first she sees it then she doesn't. She walks even further into Scarlett's room and sees it again she presses the button she has and walks even farther in
"Who are you" she says aggressively
"Ah, Harley having another child I see?" The joker says in his blood curdling voice just as Bruce walks in. "Oh nice to see Bats arrived as well!" He continues and just laughs.
"Joker get out of my daughters room!" Bruce yells
Harley just stands there is a defensive position.
"Oh but she isn't your daughter." The joker says back. Oddly Scarlett hadn't woken up to the noise.
"Yes Joker she is, you died so I had all her rights and he adopted her." Harley retaliates
"You think I actually died?" The joker responds
"Well we did" Bruce and Harley say at the same time just as Ivy and Violet realize what's going on.
"What do you want joker" Harley says aggressively once again.
The police were already on their way.

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