Chapter 1 Who is Casi?

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                                             I don't own Fruits Basket this is only a Fanfiction

       Casi walked slowly toward the Sohma house her left arm was broken and bleeding and the walk had been long. I'm almost there she thought to herself. Kyo, Yuki, Shigure, and Tohru were sitting  on their porch staring up at the light blue sky. "I wonder if they'll accept me out of the blue like this." Casi whispered to herself.  "Huh" Kyo said. "Do you know her Tohru, Yuki, Shigure?" Kyo whispered. They all replied in a whisper "No." "We don't accept wanderers" Kyo yelled. Casi looked down at her feet they already did not accept her. "I knew it." She said to herself as a tear rolled down her face.

"Huh" Tohru, Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure said all at once. They slowly stepped one foot infront of the otherover to Casi. "Why are you here?" Yuki asked wipeing the tear off of Casi's face. She looked up surprised at the sudden kindness. "I am Casi Sohma, a distant relative of the Sohma family, and a part of the Jyunishi." Casi said happily. "Casi?" "I did not know their was a Casi in our family." Yuki said surpised.  Casi smiled happily. "Like I said earlier i'm a distant relative I don't go to any of the events of our family,so most people in the Somha family do not know that i even exist." Casi explained.

"Ah a relative." Shigure said as he came up and hugged Casi.(Poof) Casi turned into a horse with her front left leg curled and bleeding. Everyone looked at her with disbelief. "You did not give me time to explain, I am different from you as I only turn into an animal when I am hugged by a member of the Somha family......" Casi was cut off by Yuki. "Where did you get such a wound?" Casi looked down with depression, and tears filling her eyes. "I fought Akito." Casi paused for a moment. Everyone stared at her in disbelief. 

(Flash back 2 days); 

 "No one knows or cares about you, so maybe i should just kill you." Akito said picking a petal off of a rose. "If i can beat you in a fist fight, than you must let me live." Casi responded. He greabbed Casi's hair and threw her to the ground. She Retorted by karate kicking Akito in the side. Next her grabbed Casi's arm and bent it backwards until it snapped and blood poured from it. Than Casi knocked Akito unconcious with her right arm, and ran crying from the sceen into the forest.

(Present Day); "I don't believe that a girl could fight Akito let alone beat him." Kyo said with disbelief. "How do we know she's telling the truth we should make her leave." Kyo whispered. "Well I guess I could always return to live with Akito  and stay with him because my parents died six years ago." "Let her stay please Yuki." Tohru said pleadingly. There was a short pause. "Excuse me but I'll be back in a moment Casi half walked half ran behind their house because she knew she was about to change back into a person and she did not want to tell them all of her secrets all at once dark or not. Then after she became a person again Casi walked from behind the house to meet them again. "I'm sorry, but I had to do something." Casi said nervously hoping that they would'nt be suspicious.

"We have all concented and you can stay here." Yuki said with a smile. Casi paused and smiled. "Arigato Minna (Thank you everyone), I am honored to stay with memebers of my own family." "Uh, ug" Casi began to shake as the searing pain in her arm hit her and a tear rolled down her face. "Casi? Casi........are you okay." Tohru asked. "Not really, I can bear the pain of my arm when I am a horse, but its more painful when Im  human." Casi gripped her left arm trying to surpress the pain of her improperly wrapped arm.

Casi walked behind Tohru into the house followed by Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure. "I still don't believe she could even scathe Akito; plus how can she be one of us if whenever someone not from our family hugs us we become animals, but whenever one of us hugs her she becomes an animal?" Kyo whispered almost silently to Shigure. "Your a judgemental one aren't you Kyo?" Casi hissed half angrily. 

Fruits Basket; Casi a distant relativeWhere stories live. Discover now