Chapter 4 Uo-chan and the Reign of Princess Casi

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   Monday morning Casi got up early before anyone else and prepared breakfast. When Tohru came down to make breakfast she was surprised to she that Casi had already made it. "Breakfast is served." "Thank you Casi i bet your cooking is ten times better than mine." "Yea right." Kyo thought sarcasticly. When everyone was eating breakfast Shigure asked Casi if she was ready for school. "School?" "Ah!!!!!" Casi ran upstairs. "Be careful Casi-san." Called Yuki. Thump. "Are you okay Casi?" Tohru asked. "Yea im fine i just dropped some books." Casi replied all the way from Tohru's room. Casi walked down stairs and looked at Kyo sadly. "I know it might not seem like it, but i like you as a friend Kyo." Casi said smiling. "She likes you Kyo." Shigure said after Casi disappeared up the stairs. Casi came furiously running down the stairs and slapped Shigure with full force. "Shigure, I don't like Kyo, or Yuki their just friends and I'll pound you to a pulp if you say otherwise."  Once Casi had finished getting ready Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo walked with her to school.

  Casi looked uncomfterable while they walked to school. "Casi are you uncomftorable going to school you look nervous." Yuki asked. "Kinda, im just not sure that i'll fit in to your school especially if Hatsuharu keeps picking fights with me. "Hatsuharu challenged you to a fight?" Yuki asked."Yea, but i declined cause of the fact that i was in cat form." "So that's why you ditched Tohru almost couldn't say that you were sick, its because you had her lie, next time let us do something like that if needed, Tohru can't handle lying. Kyo said.  " I understand Kyo, thank you for your support." Casi bowed. 

    "You'll fit in fine Casi you can hang out with my friends." Tohru said smiling. "That makes me feel alittle better, but as you know im still a wild card." When Casi got to school she was swarmed by people. They asked her so many questions Casi felt like she would explode. Soon the girls left and only boys surrounded Casi. They all chanted "Princess Casi......Princess Casi."  Yuki, Tohru and Kyo watched. "Shouldn't we help her?" Tohru asked. "She can protect herself don't worry Tohru." Yuki soothed.  Soon after one of them reached out their hand and Casi grabed it firmly and tossed the boy to the ground. "I have a personal space bubble, and I would be happy if none of you crossed it." "Whoa she threw him to the ground with one broken arm."

   Kyo thought that they swarm would leave her, but they only backed up. "Princess Casi....Princess Casi."  "I don't deserve to hold that title." Casi said Humbly. "Oh, don't say that Casi you totally deserve that title."One boy said. Not that i care what a dumb boy thinks no matter what they say Casi thought to herself.  Afterwards Tohru walked with Casi over to her friends Uo, and Hana. Casi's eyes got big and she hid behind Tohru. "Hana-chan, Uo-chan meet Casi Sohma." "Did you get an imaginary friend Tohru?" Uoru asked. "Eh." "Casi its okay these are my friends." Casi stood up. "Somha huh, thats probably why she's so popular." Uo commented. Uoru put out her hand, but Casi shrank back nervously. "Cat got your touge."

"Well you and I are pritty intimidating." Hana Answered. "I didn't tell you this Tohru, a few years ago when i was in junior high I was attacked by a gang, and more spacificly Uo- chan. "Now that you mention it i did recognize you Casi." Uo responded."What? Why did you keep that a secret?" Asked Tohru. "You never tould me who you friends were remember." "Thats right."  "Don't worry Uo-chan dosen't do that stuff anymore."

Flashback Five years;

   "Ow." "Thats nothing you wimp."  Uo continued to kick Casi. "Casi protected herslf. Blood ozed from Casi's arms. She could fight no longer Casi gave in. Casi went home brused, and bloody. "Who did this to you?" Akito asked. "Uo-chan." Casi sniffled. "I, couldn't protect myself or come home to see you on time." "Its okay, I don't mind as long as its only this time." Akito responded almost caring. "No, its not okay Akito I lost six minutes that i could have been home with you. " Akito respected this much caring and wished the other members of the Somha family were as concerned as Casi. "Here, your parents wanted you to have this." Akito handed Casi a wrapped box that he wasn't planning to ever give her.  Casi gently unwrapped the gift. It was a pocket knife. 

Present day:

   "Uo-chan I just can't forget the scars of the past, but I think we could still become friends." Tears rolled down Uoru's face Casi had basicly said "I forgive you." Uo hugged Casi. "Uo I have a saying. "Live and learn, because we have to know and accept that we're not perfect." Yuki pondered about what Casi had said before they got to school long after they got to school. It takes a "big" person to admit something like that, I wish I could just accept myself like that. The rest of the day Hana protected Casi from fans. "Princess Casi do you think tha......." "Beep" Hana used electrical waves , and the boy ran away. "Thanks Hana I don't think I could have ever survived today without you.  For now until the year that they graduate Casi would be called Princess Casi and she was sure of that.

The next day Casi went to school refreshed, and ready, or so she thought. Her time at school was taking a toll on her wrist, and she could do nothing, but tough it out. She figured that she would be fine, but  after school their was a student meeting. It was a trigger she could hold back her emotions, but she was still human. Casi felt herself tremble.She acted like a phantom, only lurking in the shadows for the whole school day, until it was time for the meeting. She sat alone, but Tohru, Hana, and Uo came to sit by her. They tried to talk to her, but Casi was focused, and she didn't even notice that they spoke to her. When the meeting started her thoughts became organized, and she paid attention. While she was patiently listinening, she noticed that a piece of the in the rug in the entrance  was folded the wrong direction. She figured that it was insignificant, but as Yuki was walking to leave the meeting a girl tripped on the rug.

Casi automatically wanted to just call out, but her instincts told her to do something about it. She got up from her chair and rushed to push Yuki out of the way. Since she couldn't catch the girl, and help Yuki the girl fell. Not only did she fall, but Casi fell with her, and the other girl landed on her broken wrist. Casi's thoughts became clouded, and her eyes were fogged .The pain in her arm went from a stinging sensation to a piercing agony. She ripped her arm out from under the girl. "i'm so so sorry!!!" No matter what the girl could have said Casi couldn't control herself. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Casi pushed herself through the crowd. Once she reached the window, she sprang through it. "Princess!!!!" The room filled with sound. Yuki was still on the ground, and now in shock. Everyone crowded around the window, and watched as Casi landed   catlike without a scratch. After landing she ran, and hid behind a tree.

    Her strength gave out, and she became a cat. It took all the power she had left, but she ran from behind the tree, and she attempted to run home. The lights faded from Casi's eyes, and she fainted. (P.C.) Everyone was in shock they had just watched the school Princess jump out of a secound story window. For a few minutes the room was silent, but then someone blurted out. "She's alot like you Kyo, only...... she's pretty and smart. Kyo wanted to retalliate, but Tohru grabed his arm preventing him to do so.Yuki slowly stood up still in shock. He ran out of the room without a secound thought. Casi was week and he was concerned over her safety. Kyo was soon to follow, whether he admited it or not, he in a way admired her. Tohru wanted to go, but instead wished the best for Kyo, and Yuki. It wasn't to hard to track Casi, because she had left a trail of blood

  It took longer than Kyo, and Yuki had expected to find Casi. She had made a great dent in the distance between the school, and their home. As they reached Casi, her body was still and she was only lightly breathing. Her pelt was thick with blood, and she needed medical attention. Yuki gently picked up her body, and she winced then released. Yuki turned to Kyo. "Stop standing their you baka necko, and call Hatori. Yuki spat. Kyo reached into his pocket, and pulled out his phone. "Hatori come quick its an emergency!!! Casi has fainted, and she is breathing shallowly." Kyo finished.  "I'm on my way." Hatori put down the phone, and tried to get everything that he needed together quickly.(C.B)

 When Casi woke up her vision was blurred, but she could make out the figures of Tohru, Hatori, Hana, and Uoru. Casi had lost alot of blood, and couldn't stay consciouss. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but then they shut again. Casi fought herself, she tried to wake up, but she was unable to. When she finally regained consciousness their was only one figure. It was Tohru, she had stayed, and watched over Casi diligently. "Tohru." Tohru's eyes brightened. "Casi-sama I was so worried about you." "Tohru." "Yes?" "Come closer." Casi beckoned. Tohru stood up, and walked over to Casi. When she did this Casi grabed Tohru, and she wraped her arms around her. "You don't have to call me Casi- sama anymore, just call me your older sister." Tohru began to cry. "I love you onee-chan!!!!" "I love you to Imouto-san!!!"


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