Chapter 5 Good Byes

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 Casi found that her only escape from the pain was sleep, so she stayed in Tohru's bed, and Tohru slept on the floor.  Casi awoke starled in the middle of the night, it wasn't because of the pain though. It was because she knew that she was going to have to leave the Sohma house soon. She joined school at the over halfway over point, and school would soon be out. School was the main reason for staying with Tohru, Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure. Casi looked down at the dark sleeping figure of Tohru. She had told no one that the arrangement of her living at the house was temporary, but not even Casi could have guessed that Akito would want her to move. 

(Flashback 3 weeks); The Casi's phone rang... "Hello?" Casi answered the unlisted number. "Hello, Casi I want you to come over in a few weeks so that we can discus your new living arrangements." "I will be their."...... beep... beep.. Akito hung up without another word, and Casi's phone began to beep. Casi didn't understand, why did Akito want to see her. She wasn't mad, but she definitley wasn't happy. A giant question wavered over Casi's head. How was she going to break the news to Tohru, Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure.

(Present day) It would be hard to leave the home she had come to love. While Casi lay she noticed a piece of paper. To her surprise Hatori had left a note.                                                                                  Dear Casi,                                                                                                                                                                      You really are selfless aren't you. Yuki, and Tohru told me everything. You were injured, just to save Yuki from being exposed as what they would call "A freak of nature." Tohru really likes you, and you have become a part of the family..................... unreadable writing..........................................        No what I meant to say was that you are a part of the family......... Sorry, I want to tell you something else, but my head is hurting, at this rate its going to take awhile longer, but your wrist will heal. Please try not to get yourself hurt.                                                                                                                           Sincerely, Hatori                                      

Casi was touched by the letter. Even though Hatori had no memory of her past he still felt a connection with her. Casi gently cried. She was so happy, everyone around her cared deeply for her. It was a Love that she hadn't felt in many years, she was truly a member of the Sohma family. Soon exhaustion overtook Casi's body, and she fell asleep. In the morning after Casi woke up, she  removed the ivy needle from her arm, and went dowstairs for breakfast. When she went down stairs everyone was surprised. "Casi you really should rest, tou can miss a day of school." Shigure said softly. Casi turned her right hand into a fist and hit it on the table. This caused even more shock. "No... I'm fine." Normally Casi would have accepted the offer, eaten, and went back upstairs to sleep; but she could not she knew that soon she would be leaving, and she couldn't waste a moment.                                                                                                                                                                      

"Casi, don't push yourself." Shigure said trying to keep her calm. Casi couldn't contain her emotions any longer. She had found her home, but soon she was going to leave it. "No...." Tears began to fall down her cheeks. "This is one of the last times that I'm going to see you for a while!!!" Casi blurted out, the tears stoped, and she turned her face away. When she had calmed down enough, she spoke again. "Akito wishes to speak to me about, were i'm going to be living from now on."  Casi didn't dare to look them in the eyes after she said this. "Don't! You don't need to listen to that idiot, you can stay here." Kyo said almost embarrassed.                                                            

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