Chapter Seven

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Krystal's POV

After a really nice breakfast, in which I stuffed my face, we headed over to the HQ. There were guards guarding the building when we got there. We showed them my letter, and they let me in.

Since Lexus didn't have any devices with him, (he claims that they all got viruses) the guards had trouble believing him when he said he was with us. We all convinced them that he was with us, and after a while, they just gave in and Lexus got through.

"Are you excited?" Lexus asked me.

"Yeah," I said.

Lexus and I hadn't interacted much, until breakfast. I got to know everyone that stayed in the suite with me much better, in fact.

"You okay?" he said, with concern on his face.

"Yeah, just tired," I said.

"You're always tired," Lexus said. "Wake up!"

"Hey! I can't help how much sleep I get!"

"You did sleep a lot," Lexus pointed out. "About 12 hours."

"It feels like 8..."

"8 is a lot of sleep though."

"Yeah, but-"

"Krystal! Lexus!" Shannon cut me off. "You're missing it! Look around the building!"

"Okay!" I said and muttered to Lexus, "We're putting this argument on pause."

"Agreed," he said with a playful grin still on his face.

I looked around the building. Probably about the coolest office I've ever seen, with high quality furniture. That's probably what they did with all of the money they make.

"Wait a minute," DJ said. "Where are we going? We've just been walking and walking... to nowhere, really."

I laughed. He was completely right.

There was silence, probably because everyone was figuring out what to say or do.

"So, um," Hayden said. "I guess we ask for directions?"

We all nodded.

After a few minutes of walking all the way back to the entrance, (and getting weird looks from the guards) we asked them for directions and they said to go to floor 4.

In the elevator, I wouldn't give Shannon a break about leading us. I thought it was funny, and I think Shannon did too. Everyone else seemed a bit annoyed after a bit, although Hayden snickered at times.

When we finally arrived at the room, Notch, his other workers and all the other teens were in the room. The teens were each at desktops, while the Mojang workers were standing in front of a large screen that was blank. I suddenly felt really embarrassed.

"Sorry we're late," I said. "Got lost."

"It's fine," Notch said. "We just got started with the presentation. But try not to be late next time, okay?"

I nodded for everyone standing behind me.

"Just get seated at a computer, and I'll provide further instructions," he said.

We walked over to a row of five computers and sat down. There wasn't a computer for Hayden over where I was sitting, so he had to take the one next to Vivian.

I felt a twinge of jealously, but that quickly faded when the computer came on. It was decked with Minecraft, and had Windows 8.1 installed on it.

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