Chapter Eight

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Hayden's POV

"Johan's gone."

I let those words sink in, and felt pure panic. While everyone else was panicking as well, I put on a poker face, because I was worried the most.

Paige said kids have gone missing playing Minecraft recently... could that have somewhat happened?

I shook that thought away. How could that happen?

You never thought Herobrine was real, or could possess you, but he was and did. a voice inside my head whispered.

That's different, I argued with myself.

But deep down, I knew it wasn't.

My terror kept increasing until it started showing on my face.

"You okay?" Krystal asked me.

"Fine," I said. And then I was completely honest with her. "Actually, I'm a bit scared."

"Me too," she said.

But before she could say anymore, Notch yelled for everyone to go back to the hotels and that they were letting us out early.

We left, no questions asked. It was obvious that Notch was concerned and scared. I was disappointed, but also a bit glad to leave. I needed to tell Paige, Ashton and hopefully Steve, if he was even there.

I looked over at Krystal, and she walked beside me with saying nothing. I wanted to tell her, tell her how much I appreciated her being concerned like that for me. Not many people are like that towards me, not even Ashton or Paige.

Steve is a different case, though. He experiences nightmares also, but they don't effect him as much because he has Paige. We talk from time to time about it, but he's not around very much. I secretly wish he was in real life still so I could hang out with him like that one night, when we had that fun, careless sleepover, before things got out of control.

I sighed. Would it be so bad if I told Krystal my secret? I slowly shook my head, denying that thought. She would think I'm a freak, and never talk to me again. Plus, I've only known her for about two days.

Maybe when the timing is right. Just maybe.

Krystal's POV

When we arrived back at the hotel room, there was tension in the air. Everyone just quickly glanced at each other and then walked away to do their own things. Hayden and I walked back into our room. I sighed and plopped down on the bed.

"I wonder what happened there," I said. "What do you think happened, Hayden?"

"I really don't know," he said. "It was pretty confusing when it all happened."

"Yeah, that's how I feel too. It was pretty sudden. So, what do you want to do now?"

"Chill out?"

"Sounds good to me. What do you have in mind?"

"Maybe I could turn on some music and we could figure that out."


Hayden turned on music from his phone. I liked the song that was playing, so I listened closely to the lyrics.

"So you take a picture of something you see
In the future where I will be?
You could climb a ladder to the sun
Or write a song nobody had sung
Or do something that's never been done."

Hayden looked up, and almost as if he read my mind said, "It's a Coldplay song. You like it?"

"Yeah," I said. "It's different. I like that."

"Same," he said. "These songs help me when I do art."

My eyes widened a bit.

"You do art?" I asked. "I never knew that."

"Well, now you do," Hayden said. "Would you like me to draw a picture of you?"

"Sure," I said. "I have nothing better to do."

"Okay," Hayden said. "Get in a comfortable position and let me set my stuff up."

After a minute, he sat down and told me to hold still. I did so for about thirty minutes without moving a muscle. It was uncomfortable at times. At least the Coldplay music was on. When Hayden was done, he ripped off the paper from his notepad and handed it to me.

I saw it and gaped. It looked exactly like me!

"How often do you draw?" I asked him. "This is amazing!"

"Often," he said, beaming with pride.

"Obviously," I said. "Nice job. I'll hang it up by my bed or something."

Hayden just modestly smiled and said, "So what next?"

"I wanna just lay on the couch," I said. "Is that cool with you?"

"Yeah. All of that drawing exhausted my brain."

"No kidding."

We walked in the living room area of the suite and surprisingly nobody was there.

"I wonder where everyone went," I thought out loud.

Hayden shrugged and sat on the couch.

I sat down next to him, and turned on the TV. I flipped through channels and stopped at a random show that looked a little interesting. It was a pretty stupid show, but I watched it anyway. The laugh tracks came on every 10 seconds, and the jokes weren't even that funny.

Typical live action comedy shows, I thought.

But even so, I watched a whole episode anyway. When the episode was done, I looked over at Hayden to see that he dozed off.

I felt a little hungry, so I got up and walked over to the kitchen. There were a few snacks, so I chose the microwavable popcorn and microwaved it. While the popcorn was popping, I heard a bloodcurdling scream from the other room. I panicked, and ran to see who it was.

When I got where the noise was coming from, I saw the person who was doing it. It was Hayden, screaming in his sleep.

Hayden's POV

"I wanna lay on the couch. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah," I said. "All of that drawing exhausted my brain."

"No kidding," Krystal said.

We walked over to the living room, and it was empty.

"I wonder where everyone went," she said.

I shrugged and sat down on the couch. I relaxed my body and all of my lack of sleep caught up with me. The last thing I saw was a dumb show before I blacked out.

Then, I was in a dark room. Cackling echoed through the room as the adrenaline started to pump though my veins. I started running, and out of nowhere daggers were being thrown at me. I jumped over chairs and more chairs while running for my life.

"Let's have some fun," a too familiar voice boomed.

Then I came a dead end. I was trapped. Out of nowhere, a chair flew right under me. I struggled to get up, but I couldn't. Following that was a long rope of chains that flew at me and wrapped around me. I couldn't move at all, and cried out for help.

"Nobody can hear you," the voice said. "Now, let's have some fun."

A long arm stretched out towards me. The hand was holding a dagger.

I knew exactly what was going to happen after that.

"NO!" I screamed. "NO!"

Then the dagger started piercing my body, and I continued to scream and scream.


My eyes opened wide, body still shaking. I was drenched with sweat. Krystal was looking at me, concern in her eyes.

"You were screaming," she said. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," I said. "Fine! It was just a dream."

Krystal looked relieved.

"I need some alone time," I said while getting up.

She nodded, and I grabbed my laptop and left.

I left the hotel, and walked to a coffee shop near here. I needed to clear my mind.

I hid my laptop under my coat as I casually strolled towards the bathroom.

Why is it always the bathroom? A voice in my head asked.

Because it's the only place where you get actual privacy.

When I opened the door, I saw a few free stalls, and a out of order stall. Nobody was in there at the moment, so I quickly climbed under the out of order stall and placed my laptop the place I wanted it to be at. Then, I started up Minecraft and clicked on the world I wanted to go to. When everything was loaded, I carefully eased my body into the computer.

I then landed on the cold floor of the timed monster chamber I built. There was a chest holding my bow and arrows. There was also a jukebox. I opened the chest and grabbed my weapons, then I plugged in my phone and the jukebox counted down.





The music started playing, and monsters started spawning left and right. The first level was zombies. I shot all of the zombies that came at me easily. I ran to the next chamber as fast as I could.

You see, I was being timed. I had to get to the end of all of the monster chambers by the end of the song. When the song ends, all of the chambers self-destruct. It was dangerous, yet loads of fun and a mind clearer. I do these all the time.

The next chamber I faced were skeletons. I was showered with arrows, and I swiftly avoided them. Kneeling, I shot a few down. One shot at me, and I rolled out of the way and shot it in the head.

The door lifted to the next chamber, and I sprinted in. I could hear the bridge coming on, so I really had to hurry.

The monsters that spawned were a whole herd of creepers. That was the easiest. I backed up to the wall and shot the one in the middle. After that, it was a big explode-o-rama.

All of the creepers died at once, and the final door opened. The endermen started spawning. I cursed under my breath. I might not have enough time to finish them. Suddenly, a dispenser shot a bucket of water at me. I caught it and smiled to myself.

They started rapidly teleporting around me. It was hard to keep track of all of them. The song was starting to end, so I spun in a full circle while splashing the water. The endermen stopped teleporting and I quickly shot them before they could do anything else.

The music was fading, and I sprinted out the door. I shut the door and placed my bow back in the chest. The music was completely over and behind me I heard a huge explosion.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and sat down on the ground. I could really go for something to drink. It was a good thing I was at a coffee shop. I smiled and imagined myself quitting.

In a second, I was back standing up in the same spot I was before I went into Minecraft, as if nothing had happened at all. I sighed, and went to get a smoothie.


Hey there! How did ya like it? More of a relaxed chappy, I know. I promise I will start writing climatic chapters soon! Also, go back to chapter six and check out the character poster I made of Hayden! Skin is made by me :) Wanna know what song was played when Hayden fought the monsters? It was a song called Bleeding Out, by Imagine Dragons. I'll list the link in multimedia! I'll also list that Coldplay song Hayden played for Krystal, which is called Talk. COMMENT!!!

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