Chapter 2

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I walked to his house. I knocked, but Crystal answered. "Hey, Morgan. Come on in," she said, letting me in. "Thanks, Crystal. I'm here for Mason," I told her. "Mason's up in his room. We can go up if you want," Crystal said, pointing to his bedroom door.

If you want to go to Mason's house, it's beautiful inside. A three-story Victorian mansion, with a long staircase leading up to the bedrooms. Another flight of stairs leads to a recreation room. Mason and I have families who very wealthy.

Downstairs, in the basement, there is a music studio and a game center, where Mason and I record music and play video games, like Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Mario Kart Wii, and Just Dance. Mason and I are both a duo called Lindsay on Rodeo. We are currently on break from music because of school.

I went up to his bedroom door, and knocked. "Mason, are you in there?" I asked outside the room. "Who is it?" he asked. "It's Morgan, let me in," I told him. Surprised, he turned off his music and opened the door. "Hey, Morgan. What are you doing here?" he asked. "I have something to tell you," I said to Mason. "Actually, I do, too," he said.

"Well, then you go first," I told him. "No, you go first," he said, laughing. "No, let's do it simultaneously," I said. "Okay. 1, 2, 3," he said. We both said, "I have feelings for you." Surprised, we looked at each other. "Is this true? You've had feelings for me?" I asked him. He looked down, saying, "Well, yeah. I do. Morgan, we've been best friends for 17 glorious years. I think the time has come for us. I remember when you were born, my mother told your mother, 'I hope that when the time has come for these two, they will become a couple.' I think the time has come now. Will you be my girlfriend, Morgan Rebekah Marchand?"

Me, with tears in my eyes, said, "Oh, Mason, yes, yes, YES!!" Mason, with a widened smile, slipped a sapphire ring on my finger. I admired the beautiful sparkler, and Mason walked me home. We saw Crystal. She looked at us, holding hands, looking at my sapphire ring, and looking shocked. She broke a plate, astonished.

"Oh my God! Morson is now for REAL!!" she screamed. I'm surprised now. My mom ran from my house to Mason's house, and looked at the ring. "Morgan, are you and Mason an item now?" my mom asked astonishingly. I nodded "yes." Surprised, my mom and Mason's mom both jumped in excitement. Mason and I laughed as we walked to my house.

"Morgan, I'm so happy to have you," he flirtatiously said to me. "I am, too, Mason. I will love you till infinity," I said to him, happily. He smiled, and said, "Before I go home, can I do one more thing for you?" he asked. "You name it, babe," I replied. Without saying a word, he caressed my face, leaned in with his eyes slowly closing. I did the same thing to him, and our lips crashed into perfect harmony. It was electrifying, with sparks flying around like fireworks. Our kiss got deeper and our lips synced like the movies.

As Mason pulled away, we both smiled. I said, "Good night, my handsome Prince." "Sleep well, Princess," he replied. He gave me a sweet kiss on my hand, and went home. I got inside, got ready for bed, and see my Prince out the window in his room. I got out my marker board and marker, writing, "I love you" on it. I showed him what I said. With a board and marker, he replied "I love you, too." I smiled, turned off the light, and went to sleep.

Best. Night. Ever!

I Fell In Love With My Best Friend (A Quotev Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now