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     Hello, I'm from a different time--a time that hasn't happened yet. But it will. And when it does, the human race will destroy itself. But it won't be the beautiful end that most optimists think and hope that it will be.
     There will be no trumpets, no blinding light. No angelic noise welcoming you into its warm embrace. What there will be, however, is unbearable pain suffered by all. There will be death. Blood. Tears. Where living buildings stand, for you in your time, there is rubble and debris.
The color that you see as you walk down the street? Faded.
The home in which you had grown up and had planned to raise your children? Destroyed.
"What about me?" You might be asking, "What about everyone and everything I've ever cared about?"
Of course, I'd almost forgotten. How could this have almost slipped my mind?
Your friends are dead. Your family has decayed. Your pets are rotting among the rubble. Old classmates and all of your past boyfriends and girlfriends ran for their lives as it rained down on them.
Oh, how they screamed and cried.
"But what about me?"
Ah, yes. You. You, my loves, have had quite a big part in all of this. All of these buildings have broken down and decayed, as have the bodies of everyone you know. Your memories no longer exist because there's no one left alive to remember them. Except for me. I tried to stop you, but none of you would listen.
Oh, you, my loves.
You rained down on this planet in a million different ways. Shattered every hope. Crushed every dream. Killed every child and every animal. Destroyed every home.
Dead. Dead. Dead. DEAD. DEAD. DEAD. DEAD.
Oh, darlings. Precious, sacred humans.
You caused this.

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