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Your POV

I walked around till I found Red. After a while I found him.

"Hey Red I don't really know where I am, do you think you could help me find a place to stay?" I asked.

"Of course" he replied. "You can always stay with me and Barney till we find you an apartment?"

"Um thank you. I would love to, shoot" I half thinking out loud.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Uh don't worry about it" I dismissed him. I don't want to cause any more trouble than I already have.

"Tell me," he whined

"I can fix it myself."

"No you can't, I want to help you."

"I-I don't have another clothes." I admitted.

"And how do think you are going to fix that on your own," he asked laughing a little.

I don't know I smiled back "I don't know."

"Well lets go shopping" he said as he grabbed my hand and started to pull me forward.

"Red I can't spend ANY money you have on me. It's your money not mine" I protested pulling away.

"It's fine. I want to spend money on you. If you don't go with me I will go myself. And I will have to guess your size." he insisted pulling me again.

"Fine. But not a lot, okay?"

"Okay!" his face it up with an accomplished smile.

I smiled as I let him pull me to Adam. Adam was about to go into a recording, we got him at the right time.

"Hey Adam can y/n and I go shopping?" he asked not even knocking on Adams door.

"Sure but be back by 6:00. Remember we are doing a build battle Red." he answered.

"Yay." he exclaimed like a kid.

I smiled as I, again, let him pull me out the building and to the car.

"So what store are we going to" I asked.

"TJ Max" he answered.

"Never been there."

Time skip to after shopping

I got two pairs of jeans, three shirts, one skirt, and one dress.

"Are you sure that is enough?" Red asked.

"Plus what I have it will all be good. As long as you guys have a washer. I can't spend any more of your money." I replied.

"We have to get back to the office." he stated as he checked the time.

"Oh yeah! You have that build battle thing."I had NO idea what that even was.

"You can watch if you want." he said as if he knew.

"I would love to, but don't tell Adam I'm there."

Time skip to recording

Don't trust Anyone RedVacktor X Reader. Book one.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz