Red's Girlfriend

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Your POV the next day.

Hey y/n would you like to come to California with me?" Red asked in the morning.

"Um I would love to but what about work? And may I ask why we would go there?" I asked.

"Well for the work problem I think I can talk to Adam and James and convince them to let us go for a week if we vlog and stuff like that. And I was born in California. My family lives there. And remember when I snapped at you?" he asked.

"Yes" I answered.

"Still sorry about that. Anyways I snapped at you because I was sad about my grandfather dying." he explained. As he started to tear up.

"Oh Red. I'm so sorry I didn't know" I said reaching for his hands.

"It's okay. I mean it had to happen at some point. So will you come?" he asked wiping his eyes.

"Yes and I just got paid so I can help pay for tickets." I said.

"Oh. Well see I knew you would say that so I went ahead and already bought both tickets." he said smiling.

"I hate you" I said laughing and letting go of his hands.

"Well first off you love me. And second you already said yes. Plus you can meet my family." he said getting happier.

"Red I have been your girlfriend for one day. Little soon don't you think?" I asked.

"Well if I had a choice I would wait to have you meet them. But this gives us an excuse to meet them. If that makes any sense. And if they ask then us when we first started dating. Say a couple weeks please. And it is not lying so it is all good." he said now grabbing my hands.

I smiled and said "Oaky then I guess when we get back I should pack"

"Yes!" he exclaimed.

Time skip to when you guys get to work.

I walked in and the first thing Red did was go talk to Adam and James about our trip.

"Hey Max" I said walking over to his station.

"Hey y/n how are you?" he asked. He had just got here like us.

"Good. You?" I asked.

"Good." he answered.

"Good. So guess what?" I asked.

"What?" he replied.

"Red and I might get to go to California." I said.

"Oh fun. So why are you going?" he asked.

"Well his grandfather just passed away and so he asked me to go with him." I answered.

"Well that will be fun. Doesn't his family live there?" he asked smiling.

I smiled at him, rolled my eyes, and said "
Yes they do and I get to meet them."

"Ohh. That means he loves you" he said smiling and poking my noise.

"Funny" I said whacking his hand away.

"Well he does" he said still smiling. 

"Go do your work" I said pointing to his computer.

"Okay fine. But I'm right" he said sitting down.

"Okay" I replied sarcastically.

"Hey y/n I just talked to Adam and James." Red said running to get me.

"Oh oh what did they say?" I asked.

"They said we could go for a week. And I bought the tickets for tomorrow." he said.

"Yay! So are you going to tell your fans where we are going?" I asked.

"Um yeh I was hoping you would be in it with me. As my girlfriend?" he asked.

"I would love to." I said as I started to walk to his office.

"Yay! Let's go" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me to his office.

"I'm coming" I said as I ran to keep up with him.

"Okay so just sit on the couch and I wont show your face or anything. Also don't talk they might recognize your voice" he said grabbing the camera.

"Okay simple enough" I replied sitting on his couch.

"Okay ready?" he asked sitting next to me but far enough that the camera couldn't see me.

"Ready " I said, not like I had a choice.

"Okay then. Hey guys Red here" he said turning on the camera "And today I'm here with someone very special. Wave to the camera"

I waved to the camera.

"This is my girlfriend. She doesn't want me to say anything about her name and stuff. Like Max's girlfriend. Anyways this vlog type of thing is to say why I wont be able to make videos for a bit. And the videos I make will be vlogs and those will not be able to go up every day. So my girlfriend and I are going back to California to visit my family. Something something" he started but then took a breath. I patted his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and held it. " My grandfather passed away so we are going down to be with my family. So that is all that I wanted to say. Anything else?" he asked me.

I shook me head.

"Well bye guys I'll see you later. Wave to the camera" he said to me.

I waved and he turned off the camera. "That was fun" I said.

"Yeh. So you know it will be hot in California right?" he asked.

"Um yeah. I mean I don't have that much so I was just going to pack everything and wash things if some of my things are to hot to wear." I answered.

"That will be good. When we get home we can pack." he said.

"You can pack while I make dinner and I can pack after. Perfect." I said .

"Oaky glad you planned out our schedule." he said laughing.

I laughed and said "Well if I don't plan things out it gives me anxiety"

" Okay fair. But I need to work and so do you so if you can excuse me I need to record a video." he said standing up and walking to the door.

" Okay I'll leave. I think they need me for a duct tape challenge." I said sanding up and walking out the door.

" Bye. See you later." he said.

" Bye." I said walking down to where we would be filming the challenge. Ross was tying me, Barney, and Max. This is going to be fun.

" Okay I'm ready." I said.

" Me too." Max said.

" Okay now just go sit in your chairs. Barney come here and sit down" Cory said.

The order was me, Barney, and Max.

" Okay y/n I like you so I'm sorry. Max is always being mean to me. And Barney you're just Barney." Ross said.

" Ross why. What did I do to you?" I asked.

" Nothing. Like I said I like you. But you get to go first. And that means you get to be duct taped first." Ross said.

" I like how Barney's reason is that he is just Barney"  Max said.

" Yeh " Ross answered " Ready y/n?"

" Do I have a choice?" I asked.

" No." he answered.

" That's what I thought" I said as he started to tape my arm to the chair.

Don't trust Anyone RedVacktor X Reader. Book one.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ