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Red's POV

I woke up but not in a bed. I was on the grass. I stood up and saw white walls around me. On the walls and on the ceiling. I looked back at the ground and instead of grass there was a white floor.

" What?" I asked myself.

I looked around and saw a door. I started to walk towards it. It just moved further away as I got closer. I started to run. After a few seconds I tripped. I fell straight through the floor. When I got back up I was in a room. They were now gray walls. I looked forward and saw a plastic or glass wall. Like the ones in police stations. On the other side was y/n. She was tied to a chair. 

" Y/n" I yelled as I ran to the wall pounded on it.

" Red. Red are you okay?" she asked as she tried to get out. Some how I could hear her.

" I'm fine. What about you. You're the one tied to a chair" I said still trying to get to her.

" I'm fine. Just where is he?" she asked.

" Who?" I asked.

" The man who brought me here" she said.

" Right behind you" Someone said from behind her. 

" Who are you?" I asked.

" Someone." he answered. I saw y/n trying to get out.

" Let her go. Why did you take us?" I asked.

" Oaky" he said as he un tied the ropes.

" Y/n are you okay?" I asked as she got up and ran away from the man.

" I'm fine. Why did you take me?" she yelled at him.

" One of you are going to die. I will let you guys decide who dies and who lives. Have fun" he said. He slid a gun on the ground. Then the wall broke down. " If you don't decide I kill you both." Then he walked out.

" Y/n give me the gun." I said walking to where she was. She had picked up the gun and was looking at it.

" No" she said.

" Give it to me. I'm not letting you die" I said walking closer to her.

" To bad. Red back up. If you come any closer I will shoot" she said pointing it at me.

" Go a head. Then I will die and you will live" I said coming closer.

She paused then said " If you come any closer then I kill myself"

" Okay fine." I said backing up.

" Red one of us has to die. And that will be me" she said.

" No it will be me" I said.

" Red. My life is not as important as yours. In fact you saved my life. Now I am returning the favor" she said.

" No!" I yelled as I heard a gun shot.

I shot straight up. I looked around and I saw I was in our room. I looked over and saw y/n.

" Y/n?" I asked as I shook her shoulder.

" Red? Oh my. Is everything okay? Your crying" she asked as she sat up.

" I'm so happy you're okay" I said hugging her.

" Yes I'm fine what about you?" she asked.

" I had a dream you died. And all I could do was watch." I started crying a little remembering the dream.

" It's all okay. Look at me. I'm still breathing. Still alive. And to take your mind off things let's give me a good nickname. Because Cowboy sucks" she said.

" Okay. You want a color?" I asked.

" Sure. What color?" she asked smiling.

" Well it can't be yellow, green, pink, or blue. Cause I already have those characters. So that leaves orange or purple." I said.

" Well I think orange. It is the closest color to red after all" she said smiling even bigger.

" Okay so that is good. We have a good nickname now. Do you want to go to bed?" she asked.

" What if I have the dream again?" I asked. I didn't want to see her die again.

" Then you do. But I will be here with you" she said laying back down.

" Okay. But can I put my arm over you so I can feel you breathe?" I asked. It would make me feel a lot better.

" Anything to make sure you are okay" she said.

" Thanks"  I said.

" Night Red" she said again.

" Night y/n" I said.

It took me a while to fall back asleep again.

Time skip to the morning  

I woke up and I grabbed the camera.

" Hey guys so I just woke up. So last night me and Cowboy decided on a new name. Orange. I didn't want to give her a name of a character that I already have. So if I ever do a game with orangevacktor then it will be voiced my her. Let me go and ask if I can vlog everyone. Be right back." then I turned off the camera. I went to find everyone.

" Vanessa can I come in?" I asked knocking on her door.

" Sure" she said from behind the door.

" Can I vlog you. Please?" I asked.

" Sure. I don't mind." she said.

" Okay so Y/n doesn't want her name in my videos she thinks the fans will not like her. So can you call her orange. And please call me Red" I said.

" Red and Orange. Got it." she said.

" Okay come with me. Or do you want to film it in your room?" I asked.

" Let's go to your room" she said.

" Okay come on" I said.

" Yay. This is going to be fun" she said clapping her hands.

" Yes it will." I said.

Time Skip to later in the day Your POV

Right now me and Vanessa are in her room talking.

" So you know that the funeral is tomorrow right?" she asked.

" Yes. Again I'm sorry for your loss" I said.

" It's okay. So what are you wearing?" she asked.

" Oh I have a black dress. Want to see?" I asked.

" Yes. I love looking at dresses." she said getting up and following me to my room.

" Okay so here it is" I said holding up my dress.

" It looks really good. But we can do better. Let's go shop for a new dress." she said.

" Um okay. Where would we go?" I asked.

" Oh there is a mall near here." she said.

" Okay lets go" I said.

" Yay dress shopping." she said.

I laughed and walked out the door.   

Don't trust Anyone RedVacktor X Reader. Book one.Where stories live. Discover now