Chapter 2 - Valentines Day

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A.N: The photo I used for this chapter is an exact replica of the kitty that Tara receives! :)


"Oh my God, oh my God I hate horror movies oh my God why? I don't like this..." I curled up into Alex and stared intently at the TV screen, waiting for an expected jump scare.

I was slightly drunk, drinking straight vodka from the flask and enjoying my time with my boyfriend. He smiled and took a swig from the bottle and continued to watch the show.

As expected, a jump scare came up and I turned into Alex's chest, squealing from fright and cuddled up there, hiding.

Alex cuddled me closer, laughing as he continued watching, almost completely unphased by the scare.

Once I had recovered, I leaned up toward him and kissed him, then trailed my lips down his neck. I giggled and slipped my hand under his pant line and continued kissing him, and eventually we shut off the movie completely.


"Don't be scared baby, you won't feel a thing."

He was right, I wouldn't feel a thing after my wisdom teeth surgery, but that still didn't stop me from being scared.

"Here, I have something for you, let me get it." Alex rustled through some stuff in his room before pulling something out of a pile of items he had sitting by his bed. "Close your eyes."

I did as told and waited and before I knew it, Alex handed me a small orange Webkinz stuffed cat. "Awh it's so cute! I love it." I smiled cuddling the toy close.

"I thought it would make you feel better, bring it when you have your surgery and afterwards cuddle it so you feel better?"

I smiled and agreed before having to leave his house and go home.


By the end of the week I had almost completely forgotten about my upcoming surgery, until the night before.

I packed some items up, making sure to bring a blanket and pillow for afterwards when I was going to be high off the anesthetic.

The next day my father and I went into the city and spent the day shopping and waiting for my apointment time. By 4:30pm, we had parked in front of the dental office and decided to go and check in.


"So Tara, I'll need you to just relax here, this will only take a second." The dentist was standing over me with a large needle, trying to calm me down before injecting it into my arm.

I winced. The needle had actually hurt alot, but I was glad it was over because I was already in tears from just that.

The dentists assistant leaned my chair back so I was almost laying down in it, then proceeded to insert tubes into my nose so I could breath after the medicine kicked in.

"Are you alright?" A voice had asked me.

I could have sworn I had said yes, but I started to drift off and that was the last thing I could remember.


The week after my surgery was not fun, my cheeks were swollen and sore and I couldn't open my jaw enough to eat anything except instant noodles.
My mouth had stopped bleeding, but the stitches were still in place and I had to take heavy pain killers and tylenol together just to ease the pain of the sores in my mouth.
I couldn't even go to school for three days in the first week because I kept nearly passing out during class from lack of nutrients and the heavy medication I was on.
But throughout my mess, when Sunday had come the day after my surgery and the week after it, Alex was by my side helping to ease the pain.


At the end of febuary, I missed my period yet again, but didn't think twice about it.
It's probably just because of the pain meds or because it's a short month. I'll get it soon.



About two weeks into March, I started getting the flu.
For three days in one week, I had to go home after first period of school because the nausea and dizziness were too much to handle and I needed rest.
I didn't throw up once but I knew I was sick and stayed home for half the week to recover.


"Alex, I still haven't gotten my period. I'm three weeks late now."

"Maybe it'll come soon, if it doesn't show up in a week we'll see about getting you a test, alright?"


I felt uneasy, this had happened way too many times before.

I brushed it off though, I had bigger things to worry about at the moment; like the job I was starting this month.



One morning in the beginning of April, I woke up feeling great, which didn't happen often. I stretched out and relaxed in bed as i waited for my father to get out of the shower so I could brush my teeth and clean up.

My father's shower seemed to last forever though.

Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming urge to throw up, and sat up in my bed.
The upstairs bathroom was still occupied and I didn't think I could make it to the downstairs one in time.
Instead, I grabbed the nearest half empty chip bag that was laying beside my bed and threw up into it.

The puking stopped about as fast as it came on. Right after I was finished and I knew I was safe to lay back down, I felt completely fine again. By now the bathroom had been cleared so I went to brush my teeth and wash up.


"Alex, I think I'm pregnant...when I woke up this morning, I felt fine and then suddenly I felt shitty and threw up and right after I threw up, I felt perfectly fine again...I think I have morning sickness. And my period still hasn't come. Alex, I'm over a month late."

My stomach bubbled with nerves as the realization sunk in.

"It sounds like you are, babe. It looks like we're actually going to be having a baby! :3"


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