random as hell

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Okay so this is super random but im just putting this here as a reminder to myself to continue on this thought but I honestly think that the magic and stuff we see in games, movies, stories, etc. Is just scratching the surface of what it would be used to accomplish and I think there would be levels of it, like each class has access to different types and qualities. I'll continue this tonight so yall don't let me forget.

Aight so let's start with the classes

*high magic- used by those who have studied their while lives to perfect their type of magic (offensive, defensive, teleportation, etc.) Usually very pale due to never going outside

*middle class magic- used by middle class citizens, mainly business men, hair dressers, things that could benefit from a few extra sets of hands.

*peasant class- very crude magic, unlike the above two it requires actual chants and is very sparsely known, mainly a family would have one magic user who had managed to devise a spell, and would pass it down as best they could but since they couldn't write it down it would usually morph and slowly become less useful.

*outlaw class- magic used by those who can't even go into cities, like prisoners or runaways, those who have zero schooling at all, and just so happened to stumble upon the act. Like peasant class magic it would be spoken, and sometimes even require a medium like a wand to amplify the very faint magic.

Now I could go on for hours about this and I don't know if yall want to hear anymore but I'd love to know if you guys do! I know it's geeky and random but yeah.

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