Rough outline of future story

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Dog- made by a blacksmith, flawed, outer shell of glass, insides are entirely fire, teeth break and it explodes like prince Rupert drop, can't grow, when it bites it leaves charred flesh, burns anything it bites

Protagonist- male, born from exiles, comes into possession of wand through haggling, procures sword at young age through same means, is a messenger for exiles of Capitol city, was in a relationship with a princess, got her exiled too, he's a naturally gifted magician, he is a pacifist and is sneaky

Princess- exiled due to loving protaganist, doesn't enjoy magic, misses her home, follows the protaganist, isn't allowed into the exile refuge/city because of royal blood, has a bad habit of showing regality, can't show her face in cities due to it bejng known so well

Girl- self taught magician, very hot headed, very knowledgeable of magic and battle magic, can bypass magic shield incantations after studying them so long, very pale from never leaving her home in her early teens and childhood, always has something to read with her, is a great fighter, is acceptionally beautiful


Exile city- exists in sewer system, market, sleeping, and political districts in the expansive sewers, there are classes there as well based on abilities, not magic, like bandits/sell swords, merchants, thieves, butchers, hunters, etc., they're mentally linked by a spell of secrecy cast by the highest magi they possess, they kill any intruders and sell their wears in the market, like guards who come in, children, runaways, anyone is dead or sold as a slave, very secretive society, everyone is wary of each other and carries a weapon in case of assault by others, disease stricken, medics cost lots dye to bejng in high demand and there only being a few, high council consists of elders who determine who may leave or enter

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