Screechsong @Ice_The_Meowstic

330 8 4

Rated by ☁Sky☁

Name: Screechsong
Ok, I like this name. I don't see this prefix very often so, good job!

Age: 15 Moons
Ok, young warrior

Gender: Tom

Rank: Warrior

Clan: WindClan
Ok, canon Clan, nice

Looks: A skinny but fluffy black tom, with patches of dark grey, red, white, and light grey, along with bright forest green eyes.
Ok, I like this appearance. Very descriptive and unique.

Personality: Loud, Obnoxious, Annoying At Times, Silly, Playful, And Happy-Go-Lucky.
Good balance between good anf bad traits

Family: Flowerfang{Mother}~A light grey SheCat, with leafy green eyes and white 'socks'.
Doghowl{Father}~A brown and black tom, with bright icy blue eyes.
Nightsky{Brother}~A pure black tom, with bright leafy green eyes.
Ok, I like the names. They're unique, although I see the prefixes 'Flower' and 'Night' often, I like the name Doghowl.

Mate: N/A

Kits: N/A

Mentor: Foggybreath~A white and light grey tom, with pale blue eyes.
Hm.. interesting name. I don't see the suffix 'breath' very often.
Apprentice: Brownpaw(heart)~A brown and white tabby tom, with yellow eyes.
Ok, I like the name and appearance.

Background: Screechsong grew up outside of the clans with his parents and brother. At the time, their names were Ghost, Fern, Kestrel, and Red. He Went By Red, until he discovered the clans. His mother and father joined as warriors, while him and his brother joined as apprentices. He was mentored to Foggybreath, a soft-hearted yet stern tom, whom he idolized. He never had a dream of being leader, but he did wish to become a loyal warrior. He trained for moons with Foggybreath, doing his best to master as much as he could. He was always outgoing and generous, always enthusiastic. He did his best to stay positive even in tough times, as when prey was low, or cats began dying for no explanation. Soon he had a warrior ceremony, being called 'Screechsong' for his loud and bubbly attitude. Now he lives the normal life of a normal warrior, waiting patiently for what is to come.
Ok, not much events in there and its a little cliché, I see cats starting off as rogues pretty often

Other: Not Attracted To SheCats... So.. He's Gay! :333333
Ok, don't see much gay cats

Overall, I give this OC an 8.5/10. I like the name and appearance, but the backstory could have a bit more events. But, good job!

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