#19 } Gardena Rosenburg

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F u l l N a m e

S p e c i e s

P o w e r
She has the ability to make plants and flowers grow from almost nothing. When she is happy, everything blooms; when Gardena is sad, nature suffers.

A g e

S e x u a l i t y

P e r s o n a l i t y
Gardena's a very sweet girl. She has never really witnessed evil, and is as innocent as young girls come. Everything is 'good' in her opinion.

L i k e s
She absolutely adores anything related to plant-life. Her favorite flowers are roses.

D i s l i k e s
Gardena doesn't really dislike anything or anyone.

L o o k s
- Very long light green hair
- Dusty red eyes
- Wears a flowery gown everywhere she goes

F a m i l y / J o b
She is the daughter of my OC, Orahime Haven, and Hades, in a parallel story having to do with, obviously, Greek Mythology. Her only job is to keep everything green alive and well.

O t h e r
A smile can always be seen on her face, accept for when people are in pain, as well as flowers and plants.

O t h e rA smile can always be seen on her face, accept for when people are in pain, as well as flowers and plants

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{ Beautiful young lady. :'3 ♡ }

❨ ❛ Angel's Notes - Part 1 ❜ ❩ ➼〖 my original characters 〗Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora