Chapter One

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Title: You Still Love Me

So I wrote this in my notes, thought it was pretty good, so here I am. It started as a fluff imagine, but now it's a book. So yeahhhh. Enjoy!!

And there is no smut in this chapter.

"Tony, this isnt okay. She was all up on you!" I shouted at my boyfriend. "Am I just not enough for you anymore? I mean, feel free to walk out."

Tony's head shot up. His eyes were dark. "You seriously think I'd fucking cheat on you, Willow?! After all this time?" You spun around and began to walk away. "Willow... I fucking love you. I work my ass off on tour for six months, missing you, and turning down other people. If I wanted to fuck someone else, I would've by now."

I glared at him. "Fuck yourself, Perry."

"Since you wont do it..." He muttered & began to walk up the stairs. "Obviously it's because you spend all of your time drooling over other guys."

"I'm not drooling over other guys! I would be drooling over you, but you're never there for me." I called up the stairs. I went to the kitchen, looking out the window.

"Name one time I wasnt there for you, Willow. Name one fucking time." Tony said, magically appearing behind me. He had his hands on the counter on each side of me, trapping me.

"Well um..." I started stuttering, feeling his breathe on my neck. He laughed and shook his head.

"Exactly what I thought. Now if you're going to be a little bitch about some drunk-ass chick, you can get the fuck out of my house." Tony's face softened as soon as he said that. "Wait, Willow.... I didnt mean-"

"You want me to leave, I'll leave." I slipped away from him. I was on the verge of tears and couldnt breathe. I ran up the stairs, grabbed some of my stuff and walked back down the stairs. I looked at Tony. "Cesar Antonio Soto Perry," I looked down and shook my head, blinking back some tears. "Goodbye."

"Willow, please, baby wait." I spun around.

"I'm not your baby anymore." I never thought this moment would happen. I loved him and I thought he loved me too. I walked out of his apartment and got in my car. I sat, staring at the house. What just happened? I felt tears running down my face. I picked up my phone and texted Mike.

You: dipshit...?
Mike: yo?
You: can i stay at your place for a few days...?
Mike: what happened with Tone?
You: I'll explain later, but can I please? Just until everything gets straightened out?
Mike: sure little mama. come on over.


Mike opened the door as soon as I pulled up. Mike grabbed my bag as walked up to him.

"Gimme a hug, shorty." He said, holding his arms out. I buried my head in his chest and broke down. "Shh. I got you. Tell me what happened..?" I nodded as Mike took my bag and laid it next to the couch.


I fell asleep crying in Mike's chest, still wondering what to do about Tony.

"Alright, I'm going to put in Harry Potter. Do you wanna sleep here on the couch, in the spare room or with me?" Mike asked, shaking my arm slightly.

"You." Mike chuckled at the response. "Hey, Mikey...?" He groaned at me calling him that. "Do you think he'll take me back?"

"Wills, Tony never cheated. He never has. The entire time you were together, he rejected so many girls, and guys surprisingly, he would always talk about you for the first month of tour. Yes, Tony thought some girls were pretty, but he'd never hurt you."


I woke up the next morning with a massive headache from all the crying. I was in Mike's shirt and a pair of shorts I'd grabbed from Tony's. I rubbed my eyes and realized Mike wasnt here. Maybe he was in the shower. I walked to the edge of the hallway and my head started spinning.

"When do think she'll be up?" Tony. I peeked around the corner. Mike was at the door. I saw Tony and he saw me. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was sickly white. "Willow." He whispered. Mike turned around.

"Hey short stack. How you feelin'?" I shrugged, not wanting to talk. "Alright, I'm gonna leave you two alone... Um, I'll be in the back." I grabbed Mike's arm.

"No stay. I cant talk right now. I have to work in an hour. I'm going to go get ready."

"Willow, please. Wait." I looked at Tony.

"Antonio. I have to go to my job. I said goodbye. More specifically, last night. After you told me to get out of your house. Again, goodbye." I walked away and listened in before I left.

"Tone, look. I'm sorry, man. Keep trying. From what she said last night, she has a right to be pissed. Doesn't give you a reason to stop trying to get her back. Better luck next time, man."

"Thanks Mike. Sorry for bothering you."

I heard Mike say something that I couldn't hear and heard the door close. You should've taken him back.


Its been a month after Tony and I had broken up. I hadnt eaten in days. I hadnt slept. Pierce The Veil was about to go on tour. Their first show was tonight and Mike invited me to watch. Of course, I didnt really want to go out in public, but I couldn't say no to Mike. He'd done so much for me. He was like my brother.


Vic turned to me as he sang the next line.

"Darlin you'll be okay."

I hadnt been okay for a month. I wanted Tony. I needed him back.

As the song finished up, I noticed Tony was staring at me. 'You look like shit' he mouthed.

"Now guys, we all know how Tony is a shy-ass turtle. Well, turtle wants to speak up real quick." The crowed cheered and I looked at him, confused.

"Willow? I know you can hear me, so um... I- I know I was an asshole that night. I know I messed up. I shouldn't have said what I did. I know that now. I regretted it the second I said it. That day I showed up at Mike's I know you were still mad, but it's been a month... Please, Wills?" I looked away, Tony sighed. "Fucking look at me." I looked up. He took the mic off the stand and walked to center stage. "I love you. Much more than you'll ever know. I fucked up that night. I was a douche bag, but um... If you're willing to, I'd like to be your douche bag again. I promise I wont mess it up this time, Willow. Baby... Please."

Tony put the mic down and looked at me. I walked to him, on the stage, in front of everyone. The crowed gave a loud 'ooo'. I bit my lip, knowing what it does to him. Tony's eyes darkening. 'You bitch' he mouthed, smiling down at me.

"So whatchya gonna say little mama? Give turtle another shot?" I heard Mike say. I looked to Mike and flipped him off. I pulled Tony's shirt collar down so he was closer to me. As soon as our lips connected, the crowd screamed and Tony's hands cupped my face.

"You love me again." I said, looking up at Tony's eyes.

"Who said I ever stopped?"

You Love Me AgainWhere stories live. Discover now