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Screams. Screams everywhere. People were running out of the café as if their lives depended on it, which it did tbh. After about 4 minuets and 20 seconds, the café was empty, except for our very own main 6 and the two dank memes; Matt and arash. Even Brittany bounced out. The girls stood in a circle around the monster ready to transform.

Mckenna yelled; "Wibe Transform!"

"You don't have to tell me twice" – Marine

The 6 girls all put their fingers in the shape of a W in unison.

"Magic WiBE, Dankcantix!" –Mckenna

The great white light overtook the café, it's blinding rays forced arash and Matt's eyes shut.

"Mckenna, Fairy of the Dragon's Heart"

Natalie, Fairy of the forest's breeze

Yara, Fairy of the harmonizing melody

Kaley-Chan, Fairy of the moon's tides

Cait, Fairy of electric energy

Marine, Fairy of the white light

"Wow, an upgrade" –Arash stated

"I'm liking it" – marine

"Liking, I'm loving it" – Natalie

"ba da bap ba baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" –Matthew said mimicking the mcd theme song

"Let's undo was cait started" – Kaley

"guys I swear it wasn't me" – Cait

Mckenna rolled her eyes, ignoring cait's remark

"Of course it was you, we were all there and saw you do it to the food" – Yara

The 6 girls started arguing amongst themselves, completely forgetting why they transformed in the first place. The monster on the other hand, didn't care, it grew in size, but only Arash and Matt seemed to noticed.

"Um, guys" Arash trailed off

The monster didn't stop growing. The girls argued. The monster grew. The girls continued to argue, the monster grew even more. Matthew looked around the room. He ran out of the cafe, leaving arash with the girls (who were arguing amongst themselves).

"Where are you going" Arash yelled after matt. He was about to follow him, but he noticed a figure in the corner of his eye. He looked over to see-

"AHSJKFHDJSKFDFS" the monster yelled as it blasted the girls with this gross vomit-like projectile.

"EW GROSS" – Natalie screamed

"Oh my fuck this stuff burns!" – Kaley said very loudly

"We need a spell to get it off" – Yara


"Well you obviously don't know any cait or we wouldn't be in this situation" –Mckenna


"GUYS, IT'S HARDING" – Marine screeched

"FUUUUUCCCCK" –Kaley said imobilzed

"Mckenna, do something!" – Yara

"What why me"

"you're friggin Bloom for crying out loud" –Yara

"Well maybe you should do something" – Mckenna "Bloom doesn't do everything"

And before they knew it, they we're back to arguing, while being sprayed in oatmeal vomit multiple times.

Now back to who arash saw. He looked over to the figure. He tried to make out who it was, but he couldn't due to their back being turned. He slowed walked over, listening to what the person was saying on thier mobile device.

"Yes Valtor, it's all coming to pl@n, th3 gurl$ r fiting and de munst3r is burnginng dem to crips"

"No way" –Arash

The person spun around.

"Aren't you the defoc girl or something like that" –Arash

"FOUND IT" Matt yelled as he ran into the café holding a book

Defoc looked at arash, then matt, then back at arash.

"I AM BIST BOOM IN THE FINDUB...SIIIIIZZZZ" she yelled as she started to glow and float.

And with another infamous spark of bright blinding light, she was gone.

Arash just stared as where she was before, confused AF. He was so lost in his mind and thoughts, until he felt a hand on his shoulder turn him around. It was Matt

"Dude Look" Matthew said as he held the book up to arash's face "Does this look familiar"

"Yes" –Arash – "it's a book"

"For fuck sake" Matthew said shaking his head. He turned and faced the creature confidently. He opened the book to a blank page.

"Once upon a time, there lived a bowl of monstrous oatmeal that lived in the pots of Centennial Colligate" –Matt

Just as matt was about to say the word that would end this madness, he was sprayed in the vomit, along with Arash.

"Nice Try" A familiar deep male voice say. "But you're not ending this story so fast"

But no one could see anything with the gunk over their faces. They couldn't move either. Fuck.

The dark feeling gave away who it was in the room. Fuck.


"You know it was funny. Watching you all fight, just because of my little creation" he said walking over to the monster. He touched it and it disappeared into nothing.

"This was fun, but I have other business to attend to"

This time the blind light was black and unsettling.

Mckenna jumped up. She looked around. The nurse 's office

She let out a deep sigh. She looked at Kaley, who was the only other one awake other than her. She looked like she was about to barf.

"Yo kaley, you alright?"

"They have him." – Kaley

"who?" – Mckenna

"Arash and the derp" –Kaley 

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