4 K I D Z • P T : 2

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The room was dark. All you could hear was the sound of footsteps. It was Yoyo. Princess yoyo. But he was dragging something. No, wait. Not something, someone.

"Now....." Yoyo said quietly has she approached a computer.

It was weird. A computer in the middle of nowhere.

"......finish the damn chapter" – Yoyo said sternly.

Yoyo grabbed the body and shoved it into the seat. It....he whimpered.

"But It's so bad" Matt Begged "please just let me write your normal selves and finish my fanfiction"

"NO" Yoyo yelled "As your princess of all, I COMMAND YOU FINISH IT.....or else"

Matthew was scared shitless. He turns himself to face the computer. Then started to type away.


Makena woke up from her bed. Today was going to be a great day. She went to go shower, but then her phone rang. Close your eyes, and open your heart, believe in your so-

"Hello" She answered cheerfully

"Hi Makena, it's time for school" - Mathew

"Oh I love school, such a great place to learn" – Makena said joyfully

She got dress and headed for the bus. She started to whistle and the birds flew around her"

"saxophones," she said to herself

The bus came

The day went by noticeably faster before you knew it, it was already time to end the school day and go home.

Nothing really important happened tbh.

"I do say" – Cat started "It' has been such a delightful day if I do say so myself"

"You're so right" – Kelly said, agreeing with Cat

"I couldn't think of a better day to spend with my best friends" Mackena

"look here comes the Boys!" – Yoyo said

"Hey Girls," Ray said as he sat down beside the girls, along with Joshy, Ricki, Matthias, Drake, and of course, Aaron.

"I mean this day is just sooooo perfect" – Ricki

"What could possibly go wro-" Aaron started

Before he could finish his sentence, a large circular hole appeared before the group.

Valtor Stepped out. Along with Matthew And Arash beside him.

"whoa" – Makena

"Hey he looks like you dude" – Ray stated

"nah man he doesn't there is only one me" – Matthias

"Oh dear old Matthew, if only you knew," Matthew said walking up to matthais

"Stay back!" Matthias said putting up his fists

"you can't do nothing, you may have the same strength as I do, but you have no clue how to use it" – Matthew

Matthew disappeared. Then reappeared next to Matthias. But before Matthias could do anything, matthew grabbed him but the hand and started chanting a spell.


Valtor appeared before her. She stepped but in fear. She looked in Valtor's eyes and saw fear and death. She started to glow.

"yesssss" Valtor said. The purple auroa from Yoyo started to flow into Valtor.

All the other girls started to glow as well as their power was being sucked from them into valtor.

"Without your dankchantix activated, your power is unguarded. Perfect for the taking" – Arash said devilishly

"Exactly" Matthew Said

Ray and the other boys stood in shock. They didn't know what to do.

"Well, I'm out!" – Josh said running away from the scene, along with ricky

As Ray turned around to run as well, he was face to face with Valtor. He shrieked.

"This is the one you wanted?" – Valtor as matt and Arash

"yeah" –Matt said. "arash go and find pega's counterpart"

"Why that's just making more work, just use that stupid book," Valtor said "have you forgetting I want this as fast as possible"

Matthew Summoned the Book of legends and started to read from it.

Within the next few words, Brittany, Pega, Abi were nowhere in the scene.

"Perfect," Valtor said. "With my new dark Warriors, along with the wibe' club's power absorbed from this universe. Nothing. And I meant NOTHING CAN STOP ME."

"oK that's cool and all but like...now what" – Arash said, bored

"Now we go back to our dimension and destroy the wibe girls. THEN I WILL RULE FINALLY" Valtor said jumping up and down with Joy.

"Sure whatever" – Matt said as he started to open up the portal.

The portal open. The Dark 6 along with Valtor stepped inside, ready for battle. One that no one would forget.

THE 4KIDZ Dimension started to tear, without the main 6. It Can't exist. The 4kidz server crashed. Forever. Rippppppppppepsi.

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