Chapter 21

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I woke up on a mission, today was the day that I was going to buy my wedding dress. I called Jodie, Leilani, Chantal and my childhood best friend Jess to come with me. They were waiting for me downstairs.

"HURRY UP BEC!" Jodie yelled.

"Coming!" I threw on denim shorts and a white singlet. I wore a strapless bra just incase. I grabbed my bag and a pair of flip flops and ran downstairs.

"Let's go ladies!" We jumped into the car. I drove while I introduced Jess to everyone.

"Did you get to know the girls Jess?" I asked.

"Yeah, they're really nice!" She replied.

"Awwh, so how long have you guys been best friends?" Chantal asked.

"Pre-school," We said together. One day, I was coloring in a unicorn and Jess came up to me. She asked if I could colour with me and I said sure! After that we were inseparable!

We arrived at the first bridal boutique. I walked in and a bell rang.

"Hello ladies! Whose the lucky bride?!" The chirpy saleswoman said.

"Me!" I said proudly. She took me to the back where there was a big couch. The girls set their bags down.

"Refreshments?" The lady asked.

"5 bottles of water please," I asked.

"Sure! Have a look around!" The lady went into a small room while we looked around. There were so many dresses to choose from. The girls picked some out and I tried them. None of them felt right. I was about to give up when I found a dress. It was an strapless, off white coloured, mermaid dress. It synched at the waist and showed off my curves. The dress flowed outwards. I couldn't believe it! It was beautiful!

I walked out of the dressing room and the girls were stunned.

"What do you guys think?!" I twirled around in my dress. The lady put on a veil and gave me a bouquet.

"Eman would love that!" Jodie yelled.

"Becca boo! You look amazing!" Jess complimented.

"If you don't get that dress, I'm getting it for you!" Leilani added.

"Ah-may-zing," Chantal finished. I really loved the dress. I really felt like Emmanuels princess.

"I'll take it!" I squealed. I changed back into my clothes and the lady got the dress ready.

"$2500," I paid with my life savings. I saved $5000 for a moment like this.

"Thank you!!" We all ran out of the shop. I put my dress in the boot and we drove back to my house.

"Put it in here!" I said to the girls. They put the dress in a box in the linen cupboard, a place Eman never goes.

I made the girls cheese toasties for lunch.

"Have you guys decided a date?" Jess asked biting into her sandwich.

"August 23rd," I smiled.

"Thats in like 4 months!" Jess yelled.

"I know!" I yelled back. I still had to organize - venue, food, entertainment, guests, invitations! Gosh this was going to be hard.

"I'm going upstairs with Eman, make yourselves comfortable, watch a movie or whatever... or you can leave," I laughed. I hopped up the stairs and opened the door to my room.

"Hello beautiful fiancé!" He smiled.

"Hey sexy," I replied. I gave him a little peck.

"We need to organize the wedding," I sighed.

"My friends a wedding planner, maybe she could help?" Eman suggested.

"Perfect! Call her now!" I hugged him. He dialed a number and it rang two times.

"Hello, Samantha speaking?" The girl said.

"Hey Sam! It's Eman! How you been?!" Eman greeted her.

"OMG Emmanuel! I haven't seen you in ages!" Samantha replied.

"Yeah, hey listen... I have a really big favor to ask. Do you wanna be my wedding planner?!" He asked.

"UM YES! Eman! You're getting married! OMG how exciting! Do you and your fiancé want to come over to Gloria Jeans? We'll have a chat and get things started."

"Sounds good, 10.00?" Eman finalized.

"Sounds great! See you then!" Eman hung up and looked at me.

"We have a wedding planner!" He kissed me on the cheek.

"Wow! This is all happening so fast! It's real!" I exclaimed.

"I know," He kissed me swiftly. He was about to pull apart when I cupped his face into my hands and kissed him back.

"I love you," I said into his lips.

"I love you more,"



@Jess_Lenny77 - Becs best friend

@SamanthaRigazzi - Wedding planner

SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED FOR THE PAST 2 DAYS :/ I've been super busy... but hope you enjoy!

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