Chapter 25

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"Before people start to leave, we've actually got a surprise for Bec," Jillaire said into the microphone. All the boys got up from their seats and it was just me, Jess, Leilani, Chantal and Jodie at the bridal table.

"Eman? What are you doing?" I tugged on his arm.

"You'll see!" He ran out the back with the boys. They came back in, in a huddled formation.

"Take it away boys!" Kay yelled. The music started to play and the boys started their routine. All of a sudden the boys break out of their huddle.

"OMG!!!!" I screamed. I couldn't believe it. Standing in the huddle was Katy Perry. She was there... at my wedding!

"This one's for Bec and Eman, congratulations!" Katy started belting out "Firework". The boys had created a special routine just for this evening. The routine ended and the music stopped. The boys were holding Katy in the air. I ran up to her on the dancefloor.

"Thank you so much for coming!" I hugged her. I can't believe I was hugging Katy Perry!

"Thank your husband! Hope you guys have a happy living together!" She said in her bubbly voice.

"Thank you!" We posed for a few pictures together. Katy had to leave. I said my goodbyes and thankyous. I just met Katy Perry!

"How was that?!" Tiana yelled into the microphone. The crowd cheered and whistled.

"Well, the bride and groom are off!" Tiana said.

"Thank You everybody for coming!" Kay added.

"And congratulations to Bec and Emmanuel!" Jillaire finished. Eman took my hand and we strolled out of the restaurant. I got in the car and we drove off. Our "Just married" sign was flailing in the wind.

I looked over to Eman and smiled.

"Thank you, for everything." I kissed him lightly.

"Anything for my princess," He smiled. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I can't breathe in this dress!" I sighed. It may be gorgeous, but beauty brings pain! We got to our hotel and Eman carried me to our suite. He helped me undo my dress. I slipped it to the side and guided him to the bed. I unbuttoned the shirt to his tuxedo. His toned chest was on full display. I tickled the ridges of his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lay on top of me. Not breaking our kiss, he unbuckled his belt and threw it on the ground. I helped him unbutton his pants and in an instant they were on the ground. The kiss got deeper and deeper. He wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to him. Our bodies were against each other. We were breathing heavily and our hearts were racing. I pulled apart slowly from our kiss. I traced the wings on his shoulder. As I was tracing he nibbled on my neck. As he found my soft spot, I let out a moan. He smiled and kept nibbling at my neck.

"I love you Little Miss Rodriguez," He smiled.

"I love you too," We kissed again and Eman pulled the blankets over our bodies. I lay to the side and Eman slipped behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Your mine now," He kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and went to sleep.


"Morning," Eman greeted me. I fluttered my eyes open. I smiled when I saw his face. Still shirtless, I traced the turtle like figure on his stomach.

"You have funny abs," I laughed. I traced the shell pattern. He grabbed my hand and he gave it a lick.

"Ew!" I jumped up from my position and tackled Eman down onto the bed. Of course being stronger than me, he picked me up.

Come Closer Baby.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon