Chapter 32

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We woke up the next morning to hear the sounds of waves crashing.

"Babe, wake up check this out," I put on a silk gown and dragged Eman out of bed. He put on a soft plush gown and came out with me. We went out on the balcony and took in the gorgeous views.

"Let's go down to the beach," I pointed. It was a wonderful strip of perfect white grains of sand. The water was a perfect crystal blue. The sun was shining and the palm trees blew in the soft cool breeze.

"Lets go!" We zipped open our suitcases and got our swimsuits on. I wore a black frilled bikini. I out on a strapless white sundress over it. I put on a big floppy sun hat and aviators. I slipped on black thin strapped flip flops and got my beach bag.

"Ready babe?" I called. Eman came out of the bathroom wearing white boardshorts with a Quiksilver logo down the side.

"You look hot," He kissed me on the cheek.

"So do you," I laughed touching his toned chest. He put is arm around my waist and we walked out to the beach.

"Let's sit here." We picked a spot just under a palm tree. We had just the right amount of shade.

"Eman can you put some sunscreen on my back?" I pulled my hair away as he rubbed in the sunscreen.

"Turn around Ill put some on for you," He turned so his back was facing me and rubbed in his sunscreen.

"The water looks great," Eman breathed in.

"Race ya there!" I said taking off my dress. I threw it to the ground as we ran towards the water. Eman got there first. He splashed water in my face as I entered. I splashed him back. I ran towards him with a pile of seaweed. He quickly picked me up and dunked me in the water.

"I'm so gonna get you!" We waded in the water trying to get away from each other. I grabbed him by the waist and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Got ya," I said as I pulled away from our kiss.

"Come on, I need to work on my tan," I laughed. Eman picked me up and carried me to our towels. I lay down water dripping down my body.

"Do you reckon there's Internet around here?" Eman asked.

"Check the wifi settings," I told him. He successfully found wifi and updated things on the JC website.

"We got a tour coming up," Eman said.

"I'm coming with you... I wouldn't miss it for the world." I said laying on my stomach. I rested my head on my hands and closed my eyes.

I was about to fall asleep when I felt something on my back. Eman was gently untying my top.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I sat up tying back my top.

"Being cute," He batted his eyelashes.

"Very funny, that only works for me," I laughed. I leant in a gave him a peck.

"Come on, we'll get some lunch," We packed up our stuff. I quickly dried myself off and put on my sundress. I threw Eman a white singlet. He put it on and we asked if someone could put our stuff back in our room. A bellhop came to our assistance and took our beach bags.

"Lets go to this cafe, Uncle Stan says it's the best," Eman pointed.

"Well I do trust your uncle stan! let's go!" We sat at a table for two and we ordered lunch. I ordered a garden salad with a tropical smoothie. Eman went for a Caesar salad and a water.

"Awh, my boo's eating healthy!" I smiled.

"Well I have to stay healthy to keep up with you," he laughed. We ate our salads and decided to take a walk around the island.

"OMG... um... Eman why don't we go back to our rooms now..." I said worriedly.

"Why what's wrong?" Eman said as we turned around.

"SHHH," I shushed him. We ran back to the rooms in silence.

"Bec, what's wrong? What did you see?"


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