Chapter 50

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Amaya's POV
I watched as Jay sighed in happiness as he stared into space, I started to tear up seeing Kai stare at me slightly worried. I don't know why he is so worried about me, Jay chuckled and then laughed.

"Ok! I got it! Me and Nya can have 3 kids and get married in the corridor of elders!"

He blushed lightly and sighed happily almost falling out of his chair, I caught him and sat him up before he could. He smiled at me, I felt my heart break but put on a smile anyway.

'Is he using me to get to Nya...?'

He frowned and I noticed why I wiped my tears away that had formed themselves in my eyes, he got up from his place and hugged me tightly. I feel sparks and comfort, the hug just made me want to break down in his arms.  He pulled away and smiled at me slightly happy, he moved his arms away from me making me feel like my world shattered around me.

"sorry I dont want Nya to hate me if she saw me hugging someone that isn't her. Me and her are gonna end up together again and I dont want something bad to happen to that possiblity you know?"

I frowned deeper and pushed him slightly making him sit back down, he looked at me confusion clearly written on his face as to why I was pushing him away. I ran out the room before anyone could stop me, I heard Jay call my name but ignored it. I kept running knowing nothing could fix the pain in my heart.

'I'm sorry guy's it's gonna be me...I can't try and flirt with hurts to much...'

I slammed my door and slid down hugging my knees close and crying heavily into my lap trying to breath.

Jay's POV
'I can't believe I told her that! I'm not that big of an idiot Kai told me Amaya may like me but I didn't believe him' 

I ran after her and heard her sobbing through her door, I sat down and waited for her to stop sobbing. I felt my heart break each time I heard her, I finally opened her door and saw her crying in her sleep. I gently picked her up and carefully placed her into her bed. I wiped her tears slightly, I felt guilty for feeling love for Nya.

'Do I even love Nya anymore? She's always saying how she loves all these other guys except for me but I barley know this girl but it pains me to see her hurt and my heart skips when she smiles even if it's  fake.'

I sighed and kissed her cheek, I felt a hand go around my mouth as I pulled away from her and I started freaking out the mystory person pulled me into the bathroom and pushed me to wall. I came face to face with...Nya...


"Jay?! What are you doing in here?! I thought you loved me?!"

I shrugged confused about my own feelings, she glared at me and grabbed  a knife. She ran into the room and went to stab Amaya, my heart started racing and I tackled her taking the knife and pinning her down glaring at her.

"Leave her alone, she has nothing to do with this. You simply screwed up. I love her and if you hurt her I swear you will not be alive to see your own children born."

She stared at me in shock and I got up looking at her watching her leave.

'I hope she doesn't tell Kai...he will kill me for sure...'

I thought for a moment before a single thing I said ran through my head.

'I love her...that's why I can't stand to see her hurt...that's why I cant even think about leaving her alone after she has been crying...when did I fall for her...?'

I heard something else thinking it was Nya again I went to it and was going to hurt them before I was pushed to a wall again. This time meeting my own blue eyes, he smiled and gestured toward the door. I shook my head not knowing if he was evil or not, he rolled his eyes and pushed me out the door.

"She's going to be okay in the morning but your not staying with her. I am. she's my girl and not yours."

I nodded and left after having the door shut in my face.

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