Chapter 16

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It was a typical Saturday morning. Clothes all over the floor from the whole week in school. Backpack with nothing inside and of course my phone by my side, which I was on pretty late yesterday after the whole pool incident. I laughed to myself when I remembered all our face reactions, especially the securities.

I looked at my phone to see what time it was and it was already 12 pm. I was still so tired but I had to get up and not be stuck in bed the whole day, although that sounds nice.

I made my way downstairs and as I made my way to the dining table my mother was sat down with her hand on her head and looked a bit upset.

"Hey mom."
"Oh my. Good morning La." She looked over to me and I noticed she was reading a letter she received.
"So no work today mom?"
"Yeah I'm actually going to take today off. I'm really tired." As she spoke I decided I sit next to her.
"So what's that letter about? It seems to be bugging you..." She then took a deep breath.
"It's just the rent..." I looked at her seriously I knew something was up because the way she rolled her eyes. I gave her the look that I'm not stupid and I know something is wrong.
"Okay. Okay. Well your... Your father umm... wrote..." She says as her voice cracks a bit and she clears her throat.
"Oh and what does it say?" I ask a bit mad even though I really want to meet him.
"He says he wants to give us some money and talk about financial support...."

I was so mad for some reason and I just snapped.

"Is he fucken for real does he even care, or even wants to meet me or see me. Is he trying to fucken buy the years he was never here with us! He's got to be fucken kidding me. I mean look mom." I slowly started to raise my voice higher then I continued after a pause.

My mom started to slowly tear up.
"I know Lana he doesn't really care but I need the money. We need the money."
"No mom you want the money to spend it on fucken drugs."

I was so pissed right now that I walked back up to my room and started to tear up. I realized I needed to talk to someone about this. Of course Marina maybe wouldn't mind...

I bite my lip as I call Marina.

"Yes Marina residence how may I help you?" I chuckle and decide to go along.
"Well ma'am I was just calling to make a reservation with Ms.Diamandis because I'm such a weirdo who needs help right now." I say in a british accent as I start tear up.
"Are you alright Lana?"
"Yeah its just I really need to talk to somebody and well I really wanted to go over and talk to you if you can.."
"Oh shit it sounds bad. Is it because Jake because I can go right now and look for him!" She says in a serious tone.
"No its a family matter."
"Alright well head to my house. I'm doing this volunteer thing I'm gonna be there in about an hour but George should open the door for you. I'll actually let him know right now."
"Alright thanks love." She stays quiet for a while until I realized what I had just said. Fuck I'm awkward.
"Alright honey see you."

Honey... I like that.

When I finally arrive to Marina's house I knock on the door.

"Hey Lana." George says smirking.
"Hi George." He lets me inside the house and I kind of felt a weird vibe about him. When he closed the door I felt myself cringe a bit.
"So I heard you are having problems.."
"Yeah I guess..." I say looking down. My eyes must be a bit red and puffy because of how angry I got that I cried.
"Come upstairs there's something I want to show you." He says a bit more calmer.

As I walk inside his room he has candles lit up and roses on the floor. I turn back to look at him and he shuts his door.

"I love you Lana! And I know you love me back to!" I was nervous and I hoped Marina came soon because I had a weird feeling about this. I was honestly creeped out as he moved closer to me I decided to make a run for it but I couldn't get away.

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