Chapter 24

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"Wake up!" My mom practically yelled in my ear as she opened the curtains of my room.
"I want you in the living room in 45 minutes, okay La."
"uhuh..." I covered my face with my blanket. A few seconds later my mom took the blanket off my face.

"Hey what the hell!" I said hiding my face under my pillow.
"Get up Lana." My mom yelled.
"Stop screaming and your breath smells like alcohol."
"Well then get up and don't worry about how I smell. Chuck is offering to help before she goes to school so hurry up so we can be there early to unpack."

"Its freakin 5 in the morning.." I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes. My mom had a cigarette and a bottle of vodka on the other hand.
"Yes exactly but by the time you get ready, because you take long, and the traffic we will barely have time with Chuck."
"Ugh alright." I said getting up and looking through a box of clothes I had just for one week meanwhile we move things to dad's house.

"Umm I'm awake you can leave now.."
"Yeah sure." She said as she let out a puff of air that stayed in my room for a while just floating into the nonexistent world. Isn't it weird how some things just disappear into thin air, well thats the way I felt about me and Marina's relationship we had with each other. No reason, no sight, not even a clue of when and where its headed.

After putting on some light colored jean shorts and topping it off with a black nirvana shirt. I when to do my hair.

'Beach waves' is what I thought as I combed my hair. Its rare when my hair wants to work with me and for some reason today was that day.

I grabbed my blanket and took it with me inside the car of my mom, as well with all my clothes and other stuff.

I slept during most of the drive. A few bumps woke me up but I then quickly would fall asleep. At some point my stopped at Chevron gas station and she got herself a coffee and donuts for us.

"Donut?" she offered with the baggie opened pointing in my direction.
"No thanks."
"But you love cherry jelly filled donuts La, I got that one for you."
"Yeah thanks mom but im fine.."
"Okay well I'll save it for later."

When we arrived Chuck and Rob helped us pick up small boxes with clothing and electronics inside of them.

Rob asked whether I wanted a room all to myself or if I wanted to share with Chuck. I honestly didn't want to be alone in a whole room by myself and having a shared room with my sister sounds great.

Chuck actually had begged me earlier to want to share rooms together. I liked the idea of it and the fact that she is so neat just as me really helped.

Rob had brought out the storage room a inflatable air bed for me to sleep on the next fee days while the bunk bed comes on its way.

"So lets share the closet you get the right side Lana and I will take the left side."
"Yeah sure." I agreed.

Chuck helped me un pack some of my clothes. She handed me the clothes and I would hang them up.

"Wow nice flower crowns. Do you like flower crowns Lana?"
"Yeah I do, a lot actually."
"I can tell you have like ten in this bag."

After I we were done Chuck checked her watch.

"Oh shit I'm so late to school. I'll see you later Lana." She said quickly grabbing her backpack off her bed.
"Alright bye have fun."

I when right behind her down the stairs to tell both my parents that I was done unpacking my clothes.

"You should honestly stay tonight and sleep here." Rob suggested.
"Yeah I would love that but I gotta go to school."
"Oh alright well come whenever you want, you should know you are welcome even at 3 in the morning."
"Yeah thanks so much dad."
"Well Rob we will come by tomorrow to finish unpacking."
"Alright well call me if anything-."
"Wait." I interrupted.
"Yes Lana?" Rob asked
"Where is Smarty I haven't seen him this morning at all or is his shift in the afternoon?"
"He sadly quit, I tried giving him a raise but apparently he just doesn't want to work here."

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