Chapter 22

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It was Halloween today and Marina wasn't able to go out tonight because of many reasons. Apparently she missed a lot of days of school when it was only two times that it happened. Her mom and dad know that if she does go out tonight I will be with her. I still am not very clear why her parents feel that way towards people who are gay or whatever they like.

I when out with both Melanie and Angie. It felt so different walking out with all my friends except for my closest friend who I love with all my heart, Marina.

"Hey do you guys think you can convince Marina's mom that you hate me and that you guys want to hang out and that I won't be there?"
"Lana you already know I was born dramatic and that I am a good actor. You can count on me, we should go right now." Melanie said as she ran with Angie down Marina's street we weren't far from her house but I decided to wait in the corner of the street.

It took about 15 minutes for me to see my queen right next to my two best friends.

"Oh my god Marina!" I shouted as I ran towards her and squeezed her tight into a hug.
"Hey Lana.." She sniffled.
"Can I speak to you somewhere were we could talk in private?"
"Yeah sure. Uh hey guys I will meet you up at seven eleven in a few minutes." I said looking at Angie and Melanie who looked like they were in a rush to want to leave.
"Alright yeah sure perfect." Angie said as they both skipped down the street like children.

"Hey so what's up? Are you alright?"
"No I can't do this anymore Lana I feel like I'm hurting, well not me exactly but Jake and my parents... I love you Lana I really do but I don't want you to get hurt."
"What exactly are you suggesting... Because Marina I love you as well and I don't care what I have to go through just to be with you."
"I just think-"
"Marina I don't want to hear what you're thinking can we just talk about this on Monday. Its Saturday today and Halloween as well, lets just have fun." I must admit I was mad I knew the words that were at the tip of her tongue and I just didn't want to hear them.

We quietly got to seven eleven and Melanie and Angie were sitting on one of the parking spaces and they both looked like they were having a fun time and I didn't want our mood to affect them so I played off that I was having the time of my life with Marina.

"So lets go to this neighborhood on the curve. I'm starving for some snickers tight now." Angie said as we all laughed along while going up a hill.

Both Marina and Melanie walked in front of me and Angie.

"Is everything alright?" Angie asked curiously as she saw how pissed I actually looked.
"Can you really tell something is up?"
"Yeah you look mad. But good try on playing it off even though your not as good as an actor like my small Mel."
"Yeah I know I'm not its just I think Marina is calling it quits. And I don't want that-"

"Lets fucken knock on this door!" Melanie and Marina screamed out.
"C'mon Lana lets have fun first and maybe we can talk about this later?"

I was so mad and I couldn't pretend this whole night like I was fine because I know I'm not.

"I actually have to be home early." I said and ran not even turning back to see Marina. I could hear them screaming my name and telling me to hold on but I just wanted to run away even for just a moment. I knew I had to be with someone who made me feel care free and I knew exactly who.

"Hey I'm sorry I'm calling so late but can we hangout?"
"Young one you called at such good timing, I'm actually around around Elysian park right now with a few of my friends. Where are you right now?"
"Heading home can you pick me up on the corner of the street?"
"Yeah be there in a few."

I waited for Smarty at least 15 minutes it was staring to get cold and I didn't have a sweater or anything just a tank top and some shorts with a pair of my converse.

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