And the Rest is History

482 17 0

November 14, 2004

Finally, the day I never wanted to come did, and it came much too soon.

The day I go to the band house.

The thought of those four boys living in one house gave me the shivers, but I brushed it off.

I took the bus around noon, because I figured they'd all be up by then.

I walked up to the door and knocked, but after a couple of minutes no one answered. I rang the bell in hopes of a better reply, but my efforts were not fulfilled when still there was no answer after quite a few minutes. Tom's blue mini cooper was in the driveway, so I knew they were home (or at least someone was).

"Danny? Tom? Harry?" I asked, as I banged loudly on the door. "It's Lilly! Open the door!"

But still nothing.

Do they just not want me to come in? Do they hate me? Surely they aren't as afraid of me as they are Fletch.

"Dougie?" I asked, hoping that maybe he hadn't gone home for the weekend and would just answer the bloody door.

Now, I was beginning to get worried about the boys. I had to get in to make sure they hadn't blown themselves up with the stove or something.

I didn't have a spare key, but they must somewhere. I mean, they're teenage boys...they've got to have a spare key, right? If I were a teenage boy, where would I put my spare key?

In the most obvious place.

I look down to see a welcome mat, and quickly lift it to see a small copper key sitting under it.


Why else would teenage boys have a welcome mat? Surely not because dirty shoes got them in a fuss.

I jiggled the key into the door and opened it, letting myself inside. Are they asleep? At noon? I know it's a weekend but still...

Surprisingly, the house was neater than I thought it would be. Granted it wasn't the Palace of Versailles, but I could navigate through the whole floor plan, which I was not expecting to be able to do.

"Tom?" I asked, knowing Tom would be most likely to answer.

"Danny?" I thought of how excited he gets when he see people. Like a puppy. He's bound to reply if he's here.

"Harry?" Harry would answer just so he could question me about my life some more. But there was still no reply.

I walked through the house and began entering bedrooms to see if I could find the boys.

I opened the first door to find a large bedroom with Bruce Springsteen posters draped over the walls and some guitars and amplifiers all over the place. This is either Tom or Danny's room.

The next room I walked in was clearly Harry's, due to the "H" on the door. I entered, to see stacks of CDs lining every inch of floor space.

The next room I walked in had a giant lizard in a tank staring at me. I shrieked, in surprise, not really because I was afraid of it, and closed the door immediately.

Doug's room.

So where's the fourth room?

I looked around, only to find messy closets and bathrooms, but when I was just about to give up, I found a set of stairs going up to an even higher floor.

The stairs lead straight to a room, with a slanted ceiling. It was by far the cleanest room and had some guitars shown off on stands. One of the walls was completely covered by shelves of books, and the other, photographs. 


I looked at his made bed, and across from it saw a door to...a balcony? Odd. The house placement made it so that Tom wouldn't have much to look out to.

But I did.

On the balcony, I saw Danny, Tom and Harry smoking marijuana.


Wonderland // McFlyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن