That's a Good Enough Start

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July 1, 2005

Fletch, the boys and I were having a meeting discussing their views for the tour for their second album. They've decided to release it late next month sometime, and although tour wasn't for a while, Fletch told me it was a good idea to prep early.

I wasn't really sure what I was here for because I didn't plan the Room on The Third Floor Tour, but I figured it couldn't be that difficult.

We had been sitting around the dining table at the band house for a couple of hours now and I had started to realize a pattern in the way that the boys came up with ideas for tour.

Dougie usually came up with the ideas, and if it wasn't Dougie it was Tom. Tom would then show a diagram that he drew in his song book of what they were describing. Danny would then say it was the coolest thing he'd ever heard of, and when Fletch or I said it was too expensive, or naughty, Harry would fight us ferociously until they got what they wanted.

"Let me get this straight," I began, holding my hand up to the boys. "You want a pair of giant female legs to pop up out of the stage when you play That Girl?"

"Yeah." Tom shrugs.

"You guys already have a spiral backdrop, a full orchestra, a flying drum platform and you are making us drag the old light up 'McFLY' sign from your last tour to every venue in this one."

"Seriously blokes. That's enough. The cost is going to be outrageous!" Fletch says.

"We've got a lot of money, guys." Harry says.

"So you keep informing us." Fletch said. We were laughing and talking about whether it was... insensitive to have a pair of female legs onstage when my phone rang. It was Liam.

"Hey, I'm going to take this really quick on the porch." I say. Fletch nodded.

"Ooh! It's her boyfriend!" Harry said, and the boys started making kissing noises. I scoffed and made my way outside.

"Hey Li." I say when I answer the phone.

"Lilly, you know what I just realized?" He asks.

"What?" I ask. I told Liam I would be in meetings all day, so I don't know what is so important for him to be calling me in the middle, but being the only female around right now, I'm pretty happy to walk away from the legs conversation.

"We never celebrated our six month anniversary." He said. I never did understand when couples celebrated anniversaries every month. I thought it should just be celebrated as an annual thing, but if it makes Liam happy, I'll go with it.

"Oh yeah...when was that?" I ask

"June 25th." He says.

"Well the time just slips away I guess." I said.

"I won't let it." He says. "I think on the 25th of this month we should celebrate our seven month anniversary." Seriously? I can deal with a half year thing, but seven months?

"Oh...okay." I say. "But I have to get back to work, so let's plan it tonight." I say.

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry. I forgot about your meetings." He says.

"That's okay. The boys, Fletch and I were just planning the next tour and the boys had this really funny idea that during That Girl-" I begin.

"How do you know their songs?" Liam asks.

"Cause I'm their manager." I say.

"Yeah, but you don't have to listen to their music...other than at their concerts, of course." He said.

"But I like their music. Plus, I want to support them." I say.

"You don't have to, Lilly. I've told you. They're your clients, not your friends." Liam says.

"Right...I got to go. Fletch needs me." I lie.

"Love you." He says.

"Love you too." I say through the phone before hanging up.

Liam had told me a couple of times before that the boys were not my friends, but my clients, and I'm sure he only wanted the best for me, but he couldn't convince me McFly weren't my best friends.

I made my way back inside feeling a little uneasy, but I always felt a little uneasy after Liam talks about the boys.

"So did you decide on the legs?" I ask, taking my seat again.

"They convinced me." Fletch sighs.

"What?" I laugh, writing it down onto the list. "This tour is going to cost a fortune."

"Ehh. It'll be fine." Harry says, and the boys laugh.

"Speaking of which...what will you call the tour?" I ask.

"We'll just name it after the album again." Dougie says.

"Do you have a name for the album?" Fletch asks.

"Yeah." Harry says, and the boys smile at each other.

"Wonderland." Danny replied.


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