I'm Just Too Excited

346 13 0

February 16, 2005

So of course, the boys got what they wanted and I told them that they were allowed to go out to dinner with Lindsay as long as I accompanied them, to which they of course complied. I figure if I go I can keep an eye on them.

When we got back to the hotel we all got ready and waited outside for Lindsay's car to come get us.

When you think of Lindsay Lohan picking you up, you figure it would be a limo, however we found that Lindsay pulled up in a Hummer that was driven by her brother. I look at Tom who is standing next to me and he just shrugs. Lindsay makes her way out of the car and over to all of us. She is wearing a sparkly cocktail dress, and I suddenly feel underdressed.

"Boys." She smiles, giving them each a kiss on the cheek. She steps back no looks at me. "Oh...who's your...friend?" She asks.

"This is Lilly. Our manager. She's coming with us." Danny says. Lindsay laughs.

"I don't remember inviting your manager." Lindsay smiles.

"Well, you didn't. But it's our first time in America so we figured-" Tom begins but Lindsay holds her hand up.

"Say no more." She says. She grabs Harry's hand. "You're sitting next to me." Harry looks back at all of us as we pile in the car. When we get in, Another girl, probably about Lindsay's age and a young girl who couldn't have been older than twelve were also in the car.

"This is my sister and my friend Rebecca. They're coming with us." Lindsay says. I feel Dougie, who's sitting next to me lean over.

"For someone so upset over an extra guest, Lindsay sure is forgiving." He whispers and I can't help but stifle a laugh.

We eventually get to this huge mansion looking place and we all pile out of the car. When we enter I'm taken back by the beauty. There were marble pillars and sculptures of animals and beautiful salmon color tiles. Lindsay shared some words with the host and our party was lead by Lindsay to a VIP area.

Dougie, Tom and I must have drawn the short straw because while Harry sat next to Lindsay Lohan and Danny sat next to Rebecca, we sat next to her little sister.

However, having Lindsay's little sister around did make me feel better. Surely nobody would do anything inappropriate with a twelve year old around, right?


We all were served fancy food and wine and while we ate Tom, Dougie and I shared awkward glances as Lindsay divulged horribly graphic details of her romantic life. How could she be doing this with her little sister around?

"I must say, I prefer old men. Even if they are only older by a year." Lindsay said, leaning into Harry.

Oh no.

"Have you ever dated someone older than you, Harry?" She asked.

"Uh...yeah." Harry said, looking down at his plate. "I once dated a choreographer. She was a couple years older than me."

"That's so cool!" Lindsay said. I noticed Danny and Rebecca being rather cozy at the other end of the table giggling, but they were the least of my concerns right now.

After we finished eating, Lindsay insisted we make our way back to her hotel. All the boys agreed and I felt too nervous to argue with Lindsay Lohan.

When we got back to the hotel I noticed Rebecca and Danny holding hands and Lindsay and Harry doing the same.

Whatever. If Lindsay can fulfill her British-boy desires by holding hands with Harry Judd, who am I to stop her?

"Hi mom!" Lindsay said, running over to a woman holding hands with a little boy in the lobby.

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