The Note

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*The Time Skiped*

Mangles Pov

I woke up from an un-comfortable sleep, ugh I hate this place the only thing I like about it is Spring, I thought making my face go red a bit, I hate the bed the building it's all mouldy and old really its even falling apart! I wish everyone was here It would make everything better ... Tears slowly started to form in my eyes. There was a knock on my door, It was SpringTrap. He called out for my name "Mangle? Are you in there?" I wiped my eyes and replied "Yea" . "I made you some breakfast..If you want It" He Said. "...Okay i'm sure its not that bad heh" I teased him. "HAY, Iv made food before other than pizza.." He replied sounding a bit un-sure. I just laughed and said he could come in. He opened the door and placed the breakfast on my bed. It did look amazing but I don't mind.

SpringTrap Pov

I put the food on her bed and watched her take a bite out of it, hoping she likes it "Wow Thanks It's good" She smiled at me. I knew It wasn't that good but It made me happy that she at least pretending to like it. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked, there wasn't much to do here. "Hmm I don't really know" I looked around her room to see a music box. "What's that?" I said whilst walking over to it, But she ran past me and grabbed it, she hugged it tightly and shouted "Don't touch it!" . "Why" I said being a bit confused. She looked down "Its a gift". I looked a bit confused on how she has already got a gift "From who?" She didn't come here with anything and we scare people now not greet them. She look down "they knew what they done to me.." "Who Knew what, what??" I questioned. She didn't answer and carried on "They gave the Marionette this gift with a note on it and left me..." She looked sad and angry. I decided not to ask more and comfort her.

Mangles Pov

I saw a note on under neath it and my eyes started to water, Springy put his arm around me trying to comfort, It didn't really help. I Started whispering to my self "Why, why, why" It was from all of the my old friends ... family. The note said 'Dear Mangle, we know you may be sad right now but were sorry, sorry we made you go through all of this we got rid of some of you're memories so you don't even know what happened, you did something horribal and we had to get rid of you because of it, we are so sorry you will see us soon, we know where you are we are there to just were not fixed were hidden. Freddy told us all whats going to happen he know everything, cant wait to see you ... one day we hope you forgive us ~Everyone' Why, why do that to me I cry. Springy hugs me, "It's Ok!!" He really trying to help. "S-sorry..." I Say whitest trying to stop crying "I-I didn't mean to cry.." He looks down at me and rubs my head "It's Okay.." He smiles.

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