Springle - Remembering the past

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*The next day came*

Springtraps POV

I woke up still in last nights clothes, I get out of bed and get in the shower I was still thinking about last night the kiss and now that shes my girlfriend. I got out of the shower and change my clothes to something normal again. I went out side to the secret back garden and a picked out some pink loved heart shaped flowers for Mangle. I walked to her room and peeked into her door, she was still asleep so I put the flowers in a vase next to her bed with a note 'Love you ~ Springy' I looked around the room I wanted to ask where Mangle got all of this stuff from, I walked of to the Marionette box and asked it. "Mario, how come Mangle has all of that in her room?" I asked "My name is not MARIO, and I basically had her room's decoration stuff so everything that use to be in her old room is now here. Someone could of left something in her room but she has it now hehe" The Marionette said sounding suspicious. "Oh ok Thanks for telling me, Cya" I walked of back to Mangles room to see if she was awake yet but no she was still sleeping . I walked back into her room, I know this might be wrong but I decided to look around a bit, On one of the top shelf's there was an picture, of everyone except me, I was locked down in the basement the whole time I sight, But I saw Golden Freddy there ... How tho? he was haunted by one of the souls of the children that's why he was locked away. I looked closer at the photo and thought what If Mangle had a soul as well, dose Mangle know about Him I wonder If she dose but I don't really want to bring it up now as she is already sad as It is she misses her friends, and there was a note, and something she keep's thinking about makes her sad as well. I wish I could just help her I don't want her to feel like this I want to see her beautiful smile I want her to be happy . I look at some more photos I look back at Mangle to see if she's still sleeping, she was that was good. I Looked at the very, very back of the shelf I had to go on my tip toes to see it, it was a photo of four girls and a boy, and two parents a mum and a dad there was a baby girl an older looking girl two twins who where girls and a boy just about younger then the two twins. I thought to my self That's got to be her, she dose have a soul and one of the girls In that photo is her. I heard Mangle move about in her bed, I turn around she was still sleeping just moving a bit. I sat next to her and kissed her head. I started to think of everything she must be going through and how hard it must be.  *Le Time Skipped*            Mangle finally woke up she rubbed her eyes and sat up "Oh, Morning Springy" She smiles at me. "Morning, did you sleep alright heh" I questioned, teasing her as she had woke up late. She look at the time "Oh! I didn't realise the time" she said "It doesn't matter, hay look what I got you" I Point to the flowers on the side of her bed "Oh, wow they look so pretty, thank you" She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek we both blush lightly, "Last night was the best day of my life thank you so so so much!" she thanked me a lot. "You're welcome It was also my best night" I smile at her, she smiles back. Mangle's head started to glitch. "a-are you ok?" I asked getting a bit freaked out. "%£Y2"heaa£$%^&*" She said glitching madly I think she said Yhea but she was clearly not. "Should we take you to the Marionette?" I said whiles't grabbing her hand to go take her, she shoved my hand of and screamed at me "%7&44$^$^N-N-N*8(OOOO!" I think it was a No "okay, okay we wont take you any where just calm down.." I try smile at her but her eyes went black. "M-m-mangle?" She got up and just left, I don't know what just happened and if she's ok or not so I will go get the Marionette. I got up and walked to the Marionette's box, again. "Umm Mario, I think there's something wrong with Mangle" I said feeling worried about her "Like what?" it said. "w-well he eyes went black she was glitching and then just walked away looking angry" I said the Marionette was shocked "Do you know where she went!!" It asked "umm no I just went straight to you" The Marionette looked a bit worried as well now it looked down and said "Do you know about the bite?" "No what do you mean?" I had no idea what it was speaking about. It told me to sit down, it told me about Mangle she was the first to go they removed her memorise of it but kid's always dismantled her one day she couldn't take it anymore and she bit of an kids front a' low poor kid some how the child didn't die but Mangle ran of crying she was mad at her self and always felt guilty, she nearly killed a kid everyone decided to remove her memory but later on Freddy decided It was time she went he said it was the rules she nearly killed a kid so he got rid of her. She didn't know why, and she probably doesn't remember them dismantling her, everyone one dismantled her she probably thought It was one of the kid's. I asked "So why is she like this" It said "Her soul remembers it all. She's gone of to kill, right now. It's the night guard." My face was horrified and shocked "s-so s-s-she going to k-kill him??" I heard rumors that In the old pizzerias the night guards died. But I never knew why but now I do. Well iv killed before .. I-I k-killed her.. I nearly cried. The man Him he dressed up in me and lead all the children to the room, and killed them all. And stuffed them in suit's. I ran away to my room I was about to cry and I didn't want any one to see. I lead on my bed and cried I wish I could of saved them.

Mangle's Pov 

I cant control my self I'm so mad and angry help me "!AaAaAaAaAaAaA!" I screamed un-able to stop my self I was heading toward's the night guards office I knew what I was about to do but I didn't want to... "HeLlO tHeRe GuArEd...HeHeHe" I said hanging from in front of the window with a creepy smile. He fell of his chair and moved to the back of the room. I Screamed "HeLp!" as I stared crawling towards him I couldn't stop, I suddenly stopped and a small crying child appeared next to the guard, It was me I started to cry It said I bit a child and Freddy got rid of me it said no one liked me anymore. I Cried more It said "CoMe On MaNgLe YoUrE mY bEsT fRiEnD, I StIlL lOvE yOu NoW lEt'S kIlL HiM! hE pRoAbLy HaTes YoU tO aNd He CoUlD oF kIlLeD mE!!" My eyes sight started to see the night guard as Him the one who killed me my eyes went blood red and I started creeping towards him before I killed him I shouted at him "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US!" Then I bit. Blood Splattered everywhere I ran as fast as I could back to my room. I hid under my bed and cried I hated what I just did but everything I hated my life so much I screamed and cried. I passed out under my bed after some time. I remembered everything In my dream I remembered that I bite a kid and what they did to me and what Freddy did to me. Everyone probably hates me. I woke up I was in my bed, Springy was sat on the bed looking down at me, I looked at him and cried. He hugged me and said "It's okay, you didn't mean to." he kissed me on the head. " I didn't say anything, I just wanted to sit there and hug him and forget about everything. we hugged for a long time until he said "Come on let's clean you up" I still had all the blood on me, my eyes where so blank I had no face expressions I couldn't even move my arms or anything It felt like I was dead, well I am but like a statue. Springy got up and got a flannel from the bathroom he wiped the blood of my face and tried to get it of my clothes, but It stained. He said "You don't need to be sad, no one hates you..." I was going to say something again but I just cried again. He tried to hush me but It didn't work I just kept crying. I looked behind him. I saw. I saw.... I screamed and backed up to the wall and pointed to what I had seen. Springy turned around and saw it to He backed up to me. I hugged him and cried.

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