Chapter 3

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Zaylene's POV

It's been 2 days since Alliah and I sang and people still haven't gotten over it. I mean, yes, I know, we look like two teenagers who can't sing nor play an instrument, but, we're not the only ones, but, sadly, we're the only ones getting the attention.

I admit, it's not bad being in the limelight once in a while, but, I guess I'm not just used to it.

As I travel to Alliah's room, people kept greeting me, which is kind of weird, but, to not look bad, I greeted them back with either a smile or a wave. Some people even asked for our numbers and even asked for our accounts in Facebook, Instagram or things like that, but, unfortunately for them, I don't like social media or, simply social for that matter

It's weird having my phone vibrate every now and then especially since I rarely receive texts or calls before.

"Still enjoying the celebrity life?" Alliah said once she saw me waiting beside the door. "I won't really call it 'enjoying' but, something close to it" I air-quoted which made her laugh. "You're lucky you don't like social media, then." She said and it was my turn to laugh.

"I told you you shouldn't have given them your username" I teased in which she just replied with a shrug. "So, what are you going to do when you get home?" She asked as we neared the front door. Fortunately, now, there are less students loitering the hallway which means less people to greet.

"I'm going to the bar. Want to come?" I asked and it took her a millisecond to reply. "Duh!" She said with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Okay, then" I said with a nod.

We went our separate ways once we got out, but, after refreshing up at our homes, we met up at the bar. "What are you going to play?" Alliah asked. I shrugged. "Whatever they request" I said when a woman interjected. "Hey, aren't you the two kids from Union High?" She said which made both Alliah and I raise a questioning eyebrow in a synchronized manner.

"Yes, how did you know?" Alliah was the one to ask. "Are you kidding me? I think the whole city knows who you two are... You've gone viral in Youtube!" She spurted as my eyes widened in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" I'm the one to ask now. "Here. See for yourself" she said as she pulled her phone out and gave it to me after a while. In the video was me and Alliah singing in the auditorium and, when my eyes traveled down a little, I saw something unbelievable.

"This video was posted 4 days" I pointed out as I looked up from the screen and to the woman and Alliah. "Yeah, so?" Alliah asked, so, I showed her the video. I watched her eyes linger at the video for a while before traveling down like mine did earlier before widening like I did, too.

"My goodness, really? Half a million already?" She said with pure shock in both her voice and eyes. "That's my point" I said; giving the lady her phone back. "It's not shocking, really, since both of you are really talented. Not to mention you two look and sound good together" She said and I saw Alliah gave me a look which practically says "I told you".

I just shrugged at it before tuning back to the lady. "I think everybody here knows the two of you" she said which suddenly made me feel anxious in playing. After Alliah thanked the lady, I don't know what for, she left.

"So, are you still playing?" Alliah asked and I was going to pull her out of the bar when I heard a familiar voice call out to me; bringing attention to the both of us. "So glad you came early. Everybody's been asking for you" the manager of the club, Elisa, said as she walked up to me with a huge smile on her face, but, little did she know what she's saying isn't actually comforting for me, rather, it makes me want to run faster away from this place.

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