Chapter 4

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Zaylene's POV

"I'm so excited I can't keep still" Alliah giggled like a child as she hopped her way into the school while I just walked next to her. "Yeah, I can tell" I joked which made her laugh again. "I just wish it's Friday already" Alliah sighed dreamily as she hugged herself and looked up at the sky. "Yeah, it's going to be a long ride to California, though" I stated. After setting up a meeting with Ellen to discuss certain things, we left the pizzeria. Simon said he'll be picking us up after class this Friday so we could start the journey to California.

So, I had to talk to the Coach later today so I could be excused from softball practice. Yes, I'm an athlete, but, that's just because, when Coach saw me play during Physical Education, he wouldn't stop bugging me about joining the team, so, just to shut him up, I did. Now, it's been 3 years and I actually liked playing softball, though, at first, it's very much forced and involuntary.

"Have you told your parents already?" I asked Alliah as we entered the school property and, for the past few days, we got the usual greeting from people that barely noticed us before, which is 95% of the school population. Some called our attention, but, Alliah and I both pretended to not notice and just continued walking. "Yeah, they were so shocked about it and didn't even believe it at first, then, I showed them the card and they started talking all at the same time and I wasn't able to understand what they all said, but, I heard them say that they would support me" Alliah said which made me laugh. "As expected" I thought out loud and she hummed in agreement. "What about you?" she asked as we stopped to my locker first.

A smile exploded in my face as I recollected the memories after the meeting. After I dropped Alliah at her house, I went straight to the bar for a few hours before going home. I was so out of my mind that day due to the events that happened before that I forgot what I did earlier before all that. When I got home, I forgot that I paid my mother to rest and expected an empty house, but, when I opened the door, the events of that day went out of my mind when I looked at my mother who looked so well-rested with a huge smile on her face.

"You're finally home... Come, I baked you a cake" she said as she took my hand in hers and pulled me into the dining room where the cake she mention is located. None of us spoke, we just ate and the taste of the cake was exploding in my mouth that I don't know how to explain how good it was. But, I guess what truly made it special was the fact that my mother was the one who made it. "I'm sorry" she said which made me look up with one brow raised questioningly. "For what?" I asked after swallowing the piece of cake in my mouth.

She looks down with shame in her eyes. "I was so focused on trying to give you the best I could that I didn't realize I was giving you the worst" she said quietly in attempt to hide the fact that she's close to tears. "It's okay... I understand" I said. "And I'm very thankful for that" she said; looking up at me with a smile. Then, she reached for something under the table; making me furrow my eyebrows until I saw the box I gave her earlier today.

"I want to give this to you" she said; pushing the box my way when I blocked it with my hand. "I told you, that's yours, I-" I spoke but was cut off by her. "I'm not giving it back to you. I'm giving it to you" she said which only confused me further. "Everything I earn, I give it to you, so, I'm giving this to you" she said and finally pushed the box all the way to me. "But, I promise that, starting this day, I will be more of a mother to you than a financial supporter" she said with promise in both her eyes and words which made me smile the widest smile I have ever smiled my whole life.

"Yes, I told her. She was skeptic at it at first since I'm young and all, but, she said she'll support me too" I said and I saw Alliah smile happily from my peripheral vision, but, I pretended to ignore it along with callings of our names. "Are we supposed to post videos before or after the meeting with Ellen?" I asked Alliah as we now travel to her locker. "Simon said it would be best if we post before for publicity" Alliah said when she squealed once more. "I really can't believe this is happening to us" she said and I shook my head at her childishness.

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