Chapter 18

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Zaylene's POV 

"So, what have you been doing there?" Gillian asked as she looked at me through the screen. It was a lazy day for me... Well, actually, ever since I came back, every day was a lazy day for me, but, instead of writing songs or practicing music, I have decided to do nothing today. But, when I saw that Gillian was online in Skype, I decided then to call her since it's been a while since I've talked to her while I've been talking with Alliah almost every other day. I have also talked to some of the crew, but mostly with Justin and a few more others since we are working on several songs.

We really want an album as soon as possible, and I know I'm not only speaking for myself when I say that.

"Nothing... That's literally all I could do since I can't go to the bar and perform alone anymore" I said and immediately saw a frown mar her face. "Do you miss performing solo?" she asked, sadness laced in her tone while I laughed at her statement. "No, not really. It's better performing with you two because I get to share everything I feel on stage with you" I admitted which immediately took the frown on her face and replaced it with a wide smile. "Good. Because you're stuck with us" she grinned; making me laugh once more. "And that's the way I like it"I winked at her.

"By the way, I heard you finished writing a song" she stated as she moved around from the other side; making the camera shake and make me slightly dizzy from so many movements, but, it soon ended as she now laid on her bed and on her stomach with her head resting on her hands lazily. "Yeah, what about it?" I asked with a raised brow. "Can I hear it?" she requested and, before I could even say or do anything, she did the puppy eyes and even pouted. 

A groan left my lips as I buried my head in my hands before one traveled to my hair and messed it furiously. "You really need to stop hanging out with Alliah" I complained which made her smile toothily. "You really can't do anything... We're in a girl group" she said. I smiled mindlessly at that. It's been a year, but, the thought of us being in a girl group still hasn't fully been processed by me. I mean, yes we've performed countless of times already, heck, we've even been in interviews, even though they're from small stations and people, but, they count, right? But, that's not the point, the point is, everything that's happening to me, to us, is still surreal for me even though a lot has happened already. 

"I guess so... Wait for a moment, I know I have a record of it somewhere" I thought out loud as I started rummaging through my files. I've bought this laptop with our third pay. It was not that big since we're just starting, but, it's enough to buy me an affordable laptop.

I used my first pay to take my mother out. I first took her to lunch before going to a water park both of us wanted to go to for a long time now. We went to almost everything there that took hours, but, it was fun. Then, I took her to diner nearby where we had dinner before heading home with smiles on our faces.

It was not much, but, for my mother and I, it was the best. Especially since we did those things together. Alliah spent her money to buy a new skateboard, shocking, I know, while Gillian just saved it up for something. I don't really know.

"Aha! Here it is" I announced with a smile as I double clicked the file and soon, the new music surrounded both Gillian and I's room. Justin's voice was what we first heard along with the slightly up beat music. Then, when it came to my part, it slightly slowed down as my voice replaced Justin's. We made sure that we will like how we should sing the song.

I mean, Alliah doesn't really like slow or classical music, so, if she sang my part, it might be forced on her, so, Justin and I decided to give the first part, Alliah's part, a slightly fast tempo while Gillian's part is the transition from Alliah's part to mine, so, it was something in between.

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