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Dear Ember,

Our love was a phenomenal one. It was rare how special it was. Well, it was special until it wasn't. You probably don't even remember our first kiss as a couple. I do. It was in the rain.

It was pouring down, like embers after a forest fire. It was so cheesy, like in a movie. But that only made it seem more special. The raindrops stuck to your eyelashes, and when you blinked they fell down your cheeks like tears. We were strolling through the streets, despite the downpour, talking. You took my hand, and they began to swing as we walked. The moment we reached a park for shelter, you suddenly stopped talking. "Is something wrong?" I asked you. You gaze into my eyes, and smile. You were always smiling. You pointed to the sky. "The sky," you said, glancing up through the rain at the stars lighting up the night. It was a beautiful night. "It doesn't seem so bright anymore." I glance from the sky to you, wondering why you would think such a thing like that.

"Why is that? The sky seems even brighter tonight," I said. You interlaced our fingers, pulling me closer to you. Limited space was between us now, and not even the feeling of our cold, damp clothes pressing together could make me pull away from you. Your eyes met mine again, the stars reflected in them. "You see, only to you does the sky seem brighter. I, on the other hand, can see your eyes. Your eyes, Nyssa," your smile had begun to fade as your eyes seemed to rip mine apart, layer by layer, until all that was left were two abysses in my skull. "Your eyes make the sky pale in comparison." And only seconds after your gaze had fallen to my lips, you kissed me. It was like fire, Ember. You started slow, tentative, gentle, but it wasn't long before our lips were locking with a passion so deep and foreign to the both of us. You held me so close, your embrace warm, protective. I felt safe in you.

And now, Em, now I'm not sure what safe means anymore.


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