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Warning: This chapter is very long. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.

(Y/N)'s POV

"It's late, chat" you said to the kitty. Chat noir has stopped by for a nighttime visit, and you thought it was time he went home. Chat smirked, "Unless you want me to stay for the night, my lady..." He purred. You blushed and nudged him away playfully, "silly kitty!" Chat grinned and bowed. "Well, I guess I should go. See you later, princess." He kissed the back of your hand. You kissed him on the cheek and smiled. You waved to him as he slipped out your window and into the night. "Je t'aime, Chat noir..." You sighed before laying down in your bed and falling asleep.

???'s POV

I smiled evilly as I thought through my plan. It was perfect!

"Nooroo, come to me." I demanded. My Kwami shyly flew over and hung his head. "I finally have a perfect plan." I said in a dark voice.

"If I can manage to take her away, that pathetic cat will be driven to save her, correct? And ladybug will be sure to follow. Once I have them all trapped, Their miraculouses will be MINE! Hahahahah!" I triumphed. "But master-" nooroo began, but I cut him off.

"Nooroo, Transform me."

(Y/N)'s POV

You yawned and sat up. Your room was dark and your bed was harder than usual. Wait, your on the floor...did You fall off? This isn't even your room!? Where were you?! You panicked, realizing your hands were chained to the floor behind your back. You were in the middle of a dimly lit room.

"H-hello...?" You called. You noticed something fluttering and a small butterfly landed on your nose.

It flew off and a voice echoed.

"Hello, (Y/N)...I am hawkmoth."

You cocked your head to the side. "Why am I here? Let me go!" You yelled, your hair messily covering part of your face. A deep chuckle rumbling the room, "You see, (Y/N) are my bait to lure ladybug and chat noir to me. Once they are here, I will finally have their Miraculous!" Hawkmoth said. No no no! You pulled at your chains, only to have no luck.

"They don't know I'm here! Your plan will never work, hawkmoth!" You growled. Suddenly you felt a foot come in contact with your face and you yelled in pain. Your head hurt. A figure loomed over you and hit you again, "Silence, stupid girl! I will have ultimate power!" He shouted. You chuckled, you hair covering your bruised face. Hawkmoth stopped, confused. You continued to laugh,

"Chat noir isn't foolish hawkmoth. He will see through your plan! Besides, if they knew the consequences of rescuing me, they wouldn't come at all! I'm nothing to lose! If anything, your the stupid on, hawkmoth!" You yelled, "I don't care what you do to me! I won't let you hurt chat noir or ladybug-" you were cut off when something kicked you to the floor. You spit up a dark red liquid.

"You don't care what I do to you, Hm? Well then..." Hawkmoth said darkly. You didn't know what was happening when you heard hawkmoth speak. Not to you, but to someone else.

"Volpina...I need a favor... Come to me..." He said and a new presence filled the room.

"Yes, hawkmoth..." A female voice filled your ears. Footsteps came up to you and a figure bent down in front of you. "Hello, (Y/N)..." The girl said.

"L-Lila...?" You asked.

"NO! You will call me Volpina!" She screamed and slapped you. You hissed in pain. "Back off, bitch." You growled. That only caused another hit to your back. You cried out.

Adrien/Chat Noir x reader one-shots (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now