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(Y/N)'s POV

You groaned and flopped into your soft bed. It embraced you like a saint and you sighed in relief,

"I know I can always rely on you..." You mumble, patting the mattress. You roll off the bed on purpose and land on the floor with a hard thump. You roll around on the floor like a worm and sigh dramatically.

"I'm sooo BOORREEDDD!" You whine. You stand back up and jump onto the small couch in your room.

You reach over to your phone on the cushion and flick it on, your (favorite show) lock screen shining. You open your messages and decide to text your closest guy friend.

You: Hey Adrien... You home?

You sit and wait for a reply. You grin as your phone buzzes,

Adrien: Yes, why?

You: Just wondering...

You: That sounds creepy. I'm just really bored.

Adrien: Yeah that did sound creepy lol

You: What should I do? I'm suuuperrr bored

Adrien: Read?

You: I already finished all my fanfiction

Adrien: Really? Woah....

You: Filled up my book with anime... Don't judge

Adrien: I won't! How about watching something? Like Anime?

You: Adrien.... You know that won't end well...

Adrien: Why not?

You: Last time I began a new anime, I finished the entire thing in two days. TWO DAYS

Adrien: Holy crap... What anime?

You: (favorite anime)

Adrien: Oh...

Adrien: Anyway... Should I just come over?

You: You don't have to....I don't want to be a bother

Adrien: Don't be silly, (nickname). You are never a bother! I'm coming over alright?

You: Alright! See you!

Adrien: See you <3

You almost drop your phone. WAS THAT A HEART EMOJI?! IT WAS! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!

You begin to freak out, not exactly a normal person when it comes to these situations. Maybe it was just a friendly heart? What if it wasn't! Oh my god. You begin to think,

Adrien is only a friend. friend...

It was probably just a friendly happy heart... Like Alya sends you all the time. DOES ALYA HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU.

Wait no she's dating Nino....damn it (Y/N)... Get your head straight

But Adrien's a guy...that sort of makes the tables turn...kinda...Not really...

And if that heart wasn't a friendly heart...does that mean...

As if on cue, your doorbell rang ad you thumped down the stairs. You dashed to the door as opened it to reveal a smiling blonde.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" He said, placing his hand lightly on you shoulder. You grin, "Hey! Come in!" Adrien nods and steps inside.

"Your house smells Lavender" He breathes in and sighs. You giggle at him and grab his wrist, pulling him after you. Adrien gives you a surprised look. "Let's go to my room." You hear Adrien chuckle and you turn around to see him wiggling his eyebrows.

Adrien/Chat Noir x reader one-shots (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now