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Hello, my lovely readers! Sorry it took sooo long for me to update, school is starting soon and I'm just drowning In stress. So I apologize if this one shot isn't as good as my other ones. I'll be sure to update my next chapter and soon as possible! Thank you!!!

(Y/N)'s POV

You slipped on your shin guards and cleats before grabbing your bag. After tightening your ponytail, You trotted out the front door and breathed in the early morning air. Perfect for practice...

Today you had a big game. You were on the girls' school soccer team, captain to be exact. Your skills in the sport managed to get you top rank on the team, hence making you the captain. And since today there was a game, you woke up extra early to slip in some extra practice time.

You saw the field up ahead and you quicken your pace. Once you walk onto the freshly cut grass, you pull out your (f/c) soccer ball and tighten your ponytail.

You started out with a couple shots on the net, each one flying almost perfectly in the top corners of the goal. You then ran a lap before dribbling around with the ball. Beads of sweat stuck to your forehead and you wiped them away with the inside of you shirt.

The sun was peeking over the horizon by time you were finished. You had got in a lot of good practice, so you decided to head home so you have enough time to freshen up before school. You packed up your stuff and walked back home.

*time skip to school brought to you by Karasuno's guardian deity*

Adrien's POV

I listened as the whole class chatted up about the big game today. I've never watched one of the girl's games before, but I really wanted to. The thought of (Y/N) blasting the ball into the back of the opponent's goal made my heart flutter.

Yes....the (h/c) athlete stole my heart. Her confident personality, her wide glowing smile, her bright determined (e/c) eyes, her toned muscular legs....

"Yo, dude! You going to the game after school?" Nino snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked over to him,

"I'm not sure...probably..." I say, trying to make it seem like I'm not head over heels for the captain. Nino shrugs,

"Well I'm going. So is Kim, Alya, and Marinette. Actually, I think most of class is going. I heard they were playing (Rival school) for first place in the state. (*coughs* Aoba Josai! Ok I'm done sorry) Alya says the action of the game will help her blog." He says and I nod,

"I'll be there!"

*time skip to the Soccer game*

(Y/N)'s POV

"Ok girls! Let's stretch!" You call out to your team. The girls soon circle around you as you lead the stretches. You glance over to the large crowd that was packed onto the bleachers. Students for your school waved around navy blue flags to represent your jersey's while the other half of the crowd waved red flags, supporting the other team.

After stretching, your team practiced simple drills. Like before, you led your team. The referee's whistle informed everyone that the game is about to start. You huddled up with your team,

"Ok girls, we can do this! Just play hard and fast, just like always. I know how badly we all want this, so play well! Remember to play well and have fun! LETS GO LADIES!" You cheered. Everyone put their hands in the center and cheered as well.

Your team got into their positions, you at the center of the feild. You looked over to Alix and nod to her, and she returned a determined smirk. Before you knew it, the game had begun.

Adrien/Chat Noir x reader one-shots (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now