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October 31, 2010

"Liv, hurry up."

Olivia stood in front of the tall mirror in her bedroom, admiring her Lois Lane costume she'd pulled together at last minute. The short, tight black skirt, the low cut tank top, the revealing suit jacket, and the camera she'd hung around her neck paired with a cute little fedora.

"Sweetheart, Josh is here!"

Olivia smeared on some red lipstick to complete the look, and sighed in the mirror. Will this be enough to make Josh ask me out?

Oliver, Olivia's brother, opened the door. "Josh is downstairs."

"I'm aware."

Oliver leaned against the door frame, instead of leaving like Olivia wished he would. "Why don't you two just go out already? Everyone knows you should but you won't."

"Why don't you pass a math test for once? Everyone knows you should but you won't."

Olivia smirked at her response but Oliver rolled his eyes. "I suddenly remember why you're single."

"Hey Liv."

Olivia's stomach erupted with butterflies as she turned to face Josh, looking amazing in his Superman costume.

"Hi Josh."

Josh's eyes roamed her body for a moment before meeting her awaiting gaze. "You look great, ready to go?"

Olivia nodded and grabbed her purse off of her bed. "Yeah."

The pair walked downstairs to wave goodbye to her parents before walking out into the street.

"I thought you were going to be Clark Kent."

Olivia only shrugged. "I changed my mind. I like this better."

Josh's eyes never left the pavement as he muttered, "You don't have to be fake to me."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Nothing. Forget I ever said anything."

Olivia wanted to press on, but Josh has a bit of a temper, so she didn't.

The rest of their walk was silent, Olivia mentally smacking herself for being so dense. You should've just went as Clark Kent, you let Josh choose the costumes for a reason.

They walked onto the porch of the house where the Halloween party was being held.

When they entered the room, Olivia winced. Loud music, red cups, grinding couples. This wasn't her scene and she wasn't comfortable.

Josh shot her a smile, a smile that made everything seem okay. The party suddenly wasn't there anymore. Josh's perfect teeth and pretty plump pink lips were the only thing that existed. "I'm going to find a drink. Save me a dance."

Olivia found herself smiling back. "Always."

Olivia wandered around the party, constantly tugging her skirt down. She glanced over at the corner where she saw two people wearing glasses, looking just as uncomfortable as she felt.

As she walked around the house, Olivia began to slip back into her habits that Josh had been trying his hardest to break.

Olivia had this bad habit of trying to seduce guys. Any guy. She didn't realize the image she had created for herself, she only thought it made her seem cooler. And in order for Josh to ask her out, she had to be cool. Or so she thought.

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