Chapter 01

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January 1, 2017: A resolution is made

"Woo-hoo!" The sound of glasses clinking filled the small apartment. "Cheers to us!"

Katrina laughed before throwing back her glass of Cosmopolitan. "Yes girl, cheers to us."

Olivia sat in a navy blue sweater over a white button up, with black spectacles sitting smartly on the tip of her nose, looking every bit the newly graduated Harvard scholar that she was.

Meanwhile, occupying the other couch was a small but fiery Latina girl, lounging comfortably in a Calvin Klein sports bra and some sweatpants.

"Got any resolutions, Kat?"

At this point in time, Katrina had drank entirely too much and the limited filter she did have was gone. "Girl, I just wanna get laid more. This was a dry year for me."

"Ain't that the truth," Olivia mumbled, sipping on her drink.

"What about you, Liv? Does my little schoolgirl have any resolutions?"

Olivia let out a small chuckle. "Kat, you know I never make resolutions. They're not realistic."

"I think my resolution is realistic."

"Well of course it is, you're gorgeous. Every guy out there wants a chance to sleep with you."

Katrina sat her drink down and threw a dirty look in Olivia's direction. "Cmon, girlie, you gotta make a resolution."

"There's no reason for me to."

"Yeah there is."

"Oh?" Olivia raised an eyebrow. "And that would be?"

"If you make a resolution, and follow through with it, I'll do the laundry for an entire month."

Olivia laughed and stood up. "Kat, my only resolution right now is getting another drink."

"Liv," Katrina dragged herself off of the couch and stumbled after Olivia. "I'm serious. You make a serious resolution, and I will too. And we'll follow through with them."

"Hmm..." Olivia tapped at her chin. "Well I finally just got the game of thrones books, maybe my resolution can be to-"

"No, Liv, cmon," Katrina wiggled her eyebrows and bumped her hip against Olivia's. "Liv a little."

Olivia sighed. "That was horrible."

Katrina stared at Olivia with a determined look until Olivia groaned. "Kat, I don't know. You choose."

"Hey that's actually a good idea, we'll choose each others. You choose mine first."

Olivia tapped on her chin before giggling. "Okay, for your resolution... You have to give my brother a chance."

Katrina's eyes widened. "What? No, that's not fair."

"You have to."

Katrina smiled evilly. "Okay, and for yours... You have to have sex with Josh."

Olivia gasped. "What? No. Kat, this is entirely different, I can't do that."

"Sure you can."

"He has a girlfriend!"


"I refuse to be the other woman."

"Okay, you can either have sex with him, or sit him down and tell him how you really feel about him. Deal?"

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