Chapter 02

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January 6, 2017: 359 days to complete resolution

Olivia woke up the next morning, planning to spend to her day as she has spent most of the previous day. Which more than likely included the crying.

She finally changed out of yesterday's clothes and threw on leggings, a white T-shirt, and a gray zip up hoodie, and grabbed her laptop and made her way into the kitchen.

Katrina was in the kitchen, making coffee and preparing for her day at work. She sent Olivia a small smile as she entered the kitchen. "Hey baby girl, how ya holding up?"

The defeated girl only shrugged and sat at the bar and powered up her laptop.

"By the way, I'm thinking about calling Oliver tomorrow."

Olivia sighed. "You don't have to worry about that anymore."

"Why not? We never said we weren't going to follow through with our resolutions."

Olivia gasped and faced Katrina. "Kat! I can't! He's getting married, my resolution is off."

Katrina set her coffee mug down and put her hand on her hip. "Liv, its more important now than ever that you tell him how you feel. He's going to get married and never know that the girl who loves him more than anyone else is standing right in front of him, and it's definitely not the one who he's putting a ring on!"

Olivia sunk into a chair and ran her fingers through her hair. "He loves her, I can't do that to him. And Melanie is nice, I feel no urge to hurt her either."

"But babe," Katrina sat her hand on Olivia's shoulder. "You're hurting. If he's going to go through with this, he needs to know what it's doing to you. If he's supposedly one of your best friends, he'll understand."

"Kat, no... It would mess things up so badly. Our friendship would just become awkward and uncomfortable, and it's not like he would call off his wedding just because I care about him on that level."

"Then tell him before he proposes. If he chooses to just not propose, then no harm no foul. It'll just be a break up, which is much smaller scale than a broken off engagement."

"Its not just no harm no foul, it would be ending a four year relationship. And that's if he even chose to end things between them, which he wouldn't, because he really loves her."

Katrina ​sighed and glanced at her watch. "Just think about it, okay? Because, if nothing else, as strongly as you feel about him, you deserve to know how he feels about you in return."

Olivia nodded. "I'll think about it."

Katrina smiled. "Okay, now I gotta get to work." She crossed the room and headed to the door. "I love you, perra."

Olivia giggled. "I love you too, cochina."

Katrina cackled and closed the door behind her.

Olivia tied her hair up into a messy bun and turned her attention to her computer. Finding a job was at the top of her to do list. At this point, even an internship would be acceptable.

After about an hour of searching, Olivia finally stumbled upon an opening for a Public Relations Specialist for a law firm that was only a 20 minute drive from her apartment. She gasped when she found it.

"Oh my god! Yes! This is perfect!"

Olivia excitedly clicked on the site and began applying. After the application process was over, she jumped off of her chair and danced around the kitchen. "Yay! Yay! Yay!"

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