Chapter 04

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January 9, 2017: 356 days to complete resolution

Olivia sprung out of bed bright and early Monday morning, ecstatic for the day that lay ahead. Since there were still a few hours until she needed to leave for her interview, and she simply just couldn't hold still due to the fact that she was crackling with nervous energy, Olivia decided to make her way to the kitchen and prepare a nice breakfast for her best friend as a thanks for Katrina tirelessly assisting her through her breakdown filled weekend.

Typical of most young adults fresh from college, their fridge was really only stocked with the basics, or what Olivia and Katrina collectively decided were the basics anyways, so she pushed aside the wine and pickle jar to retrieve the egg carton.

Not long after Olivia was finishing the first omelette, Katrina slowly made her way into the kitchen with a lazy smile on her face and took a seat at the bar. Olivia met her with a wide smile.

"Good morning, beautiful!"

Katrina's smile grew and her eyebrows raised in surprise. "Wow, this is quite the change from last night, not that I'm complaining. What's with the sudden good mood?"

Olivia shrugged as she poured some orange juice into a glass, followed by a bit of champagne, and handed the glass to Katrina. "You know, I'm really not certain. I just have a really good feeling about this interview that I can't quite put my finger on. There's of course the obvious 'here's to new beginnings' and all that jazz, but it's also something more than that." Olivia poured herself a mimosa and plated the omelette. "I feel like this is some kind of turning point. Like, everything after this will be different, but a good different. A great different, even."

Katrina could hardly contain the excitement she was feeling for her friend as she raised her glass in a toast. "Well girly, as you said, here's to new beginnings and all that jazz."

They both giggled and took sips from their cups, and the atmosphere of love and appreciation that filled the small kitchen was, in fact, the start of a new beginning.


Olivia stepped out of the taxi in front of Turner and Phillips, the law firm she had applied to, and her nervous energy was at an all time high, sparking into visibility around her. At least, it almost seemed that way to her.

Taking a step through the front door, Olivia immediately scoped out her surroundings. She expected to feel intimidated by sophistication and stature, yet as she crossed the room to the receptionist, she felt oddly at ease, further confirming that she was meant to be there.

The petite receptionist smiled politely at her as she reached the desk. "Good afternoon, how can I help you today?"

Olivia cleared her throat and returned the smile. "Good afternoon, I'm scheduled for an interview for the PR Specialist position."

"Of course! Mr. Phillips was expecting you. I should be able to send you right up, let me check. One moment."

Olivia gulped as the receptionist reached for the phone. She had no idea her interview was with one of the head lawyers of the firm. The woman at the desk hung up the phone and sent her to the elevator which Olivia rode to the top floor. She followed the long hallway to a door at the end, upon which hung a gold plate that read "Dr. S. Phillips, GC". 

After placing a soft knock on the door, it was opened and Olivia couldn't help but smile as she was met by an oh so familiar pair of blue eyes. "Samuel?"

Samuel's professional expression dropped and he smiled back down at her. "Olivia! What are the chances?

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled shyly at him. "It's a small world, huh?"

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