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"What's that?"

"What do you mean?"

Arthur and Kiku were invited to America's house to watch a scary movie together, since America couldn't watch it alone. The three of them were sitting on the couch, America with a huge bowl of popcorn.

England looked around. "What do you mean? I don't see anything."

America scooted closer to England and stuck his hand in England's back pocket, causing the older country to freak out.

"W-what the bloody hell do you think you're doing!? Get your hand out of there!"

But America persisted, and pulled out what seemed like a magic wand. "Woah, this looks cool! What does it do?"

Britain snatched the wand back and hid it behind his back. "Nothing! It's just a, um, prototype."

Alfred's eyes widened. "You mean it possesses a wickedly unstable amount of powers that have yet to be tested by its wielder?"

Arthur blinked. "Uh, yes?"

The American exclaimed and jumped out of his seat. "Britain dude! Can you turn Japan into a cat?"

Japan slowly moved away. "I prefer to stay the way I am, but thank you anyways..."

"Plus, I've never turned anyone into anything before, it might not be safe."

America threw himself on England. "You never know until you try! Give it to me!"


But America persisted again. "C'mon, I bet Japan definitely wants to be turned into a cat, right Kiku?"

Japan shook his head vigorously, hiding his face behind a pillow. "This is the part when I say maybe but I most definitery mean no."

"Aw don't be such a baby," Alfred said once he had pried the wand out of England's hands. "Now hold still!"


After the smoke had cleared away, the three had realized that something was different. Especially England.

Kiku and Alfred's eyes darted away from Arthur's new body.

"... What are you looking at- OH MY GOODNESS WHAT HAPPENED TO MY VOICE!?" Arthur said in his new effeminate voice.

"I don't be to be rude or anything rike that but if I can ask you a quick favor to prease cover up your-"

"Dude you have BOOBS!"

England's confusion turned into outrage when he realized that he had two mounds on his chest. And the worst part was that he had previously taken his shirt off.

Shrieking, he grabbed his tee and ran into the nearest room.

"I hate you, you hamburger-eating twit!"

Arthur and Kiku sat on the couch awkwardly, not knowing what to do as silence overtook them.

"... Now what?" America whispered. Japan turned to look at America, who was still messing with the wand.

"You need to turn him back to normar! He can't be a woman!"

"Why not?" America grinned. "He looks hot."

"Which is exactry why he needs to be turned back-"

America nudged Japan's arm. "Oh so you, like, totally agree with me huh bro?"

"THAT IS NOT THE POINT." Kiku said, turning red.


"Aaarrrthur?" Alfred spoke slowly, peaking his head through the door of the dark room. "You've been in there for like an hour dude- I mean, girl-dude."

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