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(This picture seems oddly familiar...)

The morning was silent at the Austria-Hungary residence.

Roderich Edelstein was sitting at the grand piano as usual, the fine melody created by the large instrument traveled through the walls, birthing a peaceful environment.

But something was not right.

Behind Austria's left shoulder, where there his wife would usually stand to listen to him play, was an unfamiliar and unwelcoming absence. The man would look behind him to see if she was there, but she wasn't.

It didn't bother him that much, but he wasn't used to it. It was enough to make him unfocused, as the melody he played became uneven and choppy.

He stopped and stared at the page in front of him. The dots and lines that usually gave him a sense of inspiration gave nothing now, as all he could think of was Hungary.

But maybe he was overreacting.

Austria stood up, adjusting his glasses, and made his way to the kitchen, where he expected to find her.

"Elizabeta," he called faintly, but the house was silent. Clearing his throat, he attempted once more, only to get a loud shushing in response.

Intrigued, Roderich quickened his pace until he finally found her, sitting on a dining chair, chatting on the phone. She seemed very... Chatty?

"Who are you talking to?"

No response.


"Austria!" She snapped. "Shut up!"

Taken back and clearly offended, Austria put his hands on his hips and walked off, fuming.

"What is wrong with her? She's never treated me like that!" He complained. He was so focused on his current issue that he didn't notice Prussia that was in front of him.

"Ow!" He said when Austria accidentally bumped into him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." He said, then paused to look at the white-haired nation. "Hey, I have a question."

"I have an answer!" Gilbert smirked.

Austria hummed before asking, "Is Hungary mad?"

Prussia blinked. "I don't think so. She was happy when I talked to her."

She was?

"Not that I care, but is everything good between you two unawesome crap-wads?"

Roderich shook his head. "I'm not sure. Thank you anyways."

"No problem!" Prussia said before suspiciously continuing towards the dining room where Hungary was.


"She is mad at me, just me." Austria sighed, taking a sip of coffee and crossing his legs. "I don't know why."

Germany, who sat next to him on the couch, smoothed his hair back, thinking about what to say. He wasn't very good with relationships.

At all.

"Maybe she just wants space."

Roderich looked up from his mug. "Space? You mean, I should just leave her?"

"Well, not leave completely, but maybe she just wants time for herself. Sometimes," Germany stood up, as if standing made his words come out easier. "Sometimes I like to be alone. Italy pesters me so much during the day that I just need time to... Recollect."

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