The "Smart" Girl and the "Dumb" Boy

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First, I would like to know why they would be in the same class in the first place. I mean, supposedly, the boy is really dumb and the girl is really smart, so theoretically, the girl should be in some AP or honors class and the boy should be in the regular class.

For instance, in The DUFF, Bianca is the smart protagonist while Wes is the boy who isn't as smart. Yet, they're both in the same chemistry class. What?! Shouldn't Bianca be in some AP Chemistry class whereas Wes be in the regular class?

Basically, writers of books and movies just want to find some sort of excuse to push the plot forward, so the characters could date and fall in love, which, by the way, is not even realistic. Especially because random guys don't go up to girls they don't even know (which is different in the case of The DUFF) and be like, "Hey, please tutor me, stranger girl". Also, if that ever happens, the girl would probably be like, "No, I got better things to do -- unless you pay me. But I rather not tutor you because I don't even know you" (idk something like that).

Second, I want to know why the girl is usually the smart one and the boy is the dumb one because let's be real, not all girls are smart and not all boys are dumb. I'm not anti-pro-girl or anything. In fact, I'm glad these girl characters are getting recognition for being smart, like Hermione from Harry Potter. But on the flip side, it's kind of like we're stepping on guys, especially popular guys, and implying that they're all dumb. Just because some guy is popular, or anyone for that matter is popular, doesn't mean he is dumb. Popular is not equivalent to dumb.

And in all honesty, I don't think dumb people exist; only people who don't try exist. Or lazy people. Because really, "smart" people are the people who put their efforts in their education.

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